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Heather's view

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Heather's view.

Pouring a very large glass of whiskey I heard the front door open, which was surprising with how loud Camille had her music on.

Adam took one look at the size of drink I was holding and shook his head.

"I'm guessing a bad day" he said raising his eyebrow.

"I am minutes away from throttling that girl" I huffed taking a large gulp.

"What has she done now?" Adam sighed pinching the bridge of his nose.

"The question is what hasn't she done. I got a phone call from school today asking me to come pick her up" I seethed.

"Ok, doesn't sound too bad so far" Adam said grabbing a bottle of water out of the fridge.

"Well she's now suspended from school for two fucking weeks" I said topping my glass up. "For slashing the headmasters tyres. He was going to press charges but I managed to talk him down"

"For fuck sake" Adam sighed.

"Yeah so as you can imagine world war 3 kicked off as soon as we got into my car" I said leaning against the counter.

"If we aren't careful she's going to get kicked out" he said shaking his head just as Camille walked into the kitchen.

"Dad you're home" she grinned running up to him and hugging him. "Can I go round to Dylan's tonight?" She asked giving him the puppy dog eyes.

"What did I not say less than half an hour ago" I shouted slamming my hands on the worktop making her jump.

"Dunno wasn't listening" she shrugged.

"What part of you are grounded do you not fucking understand young lady" I screamed.

"Babe go for a smoke, I've got this" Adam smiled at me tossing me my cigarettes and lighter.

As I was walking to the back door i ran my hand through my hair. I wasn't this bad was I?

"But dad it wasn't my fault" Camille whined.

"It never is Camille. Someone else is always to blame when you get in trouble" he sighed.

Standing at the back door I sparked up whilst I listening to what was going on.

"Look kiddo I get it you are young, trying to impress your friends, trying to put your stamp on the world and I understand your name carries more weight than anybody else's but you do not have to live up to mine or your mothers, hell even your pop's reputation. You are your own person at the end of the day. We don't mind you causing mischief but this behaviour at the minute just isn't acceptable" Adam said.

"You don't understand at all dad. Do you know what sod this I'm moving out" she snapped as she stormed up the stairs.

Pulling out my phone I hit call to the person I knew Camille would head straight to.

"Dad mini Satan heading your way" I sighed.

"What she done this time?" He laughed.

"Seriously dad it isn't funny, she slashed the tires on the headmasters car today and has been suspended for 2 weeks. And has now said she was moving out" I said.

"Which we all know that means coming to stay with pops for a bit" he laughed.

"Look she is grounded so please make sure all the windows are locked and she can't sneak out" I sighed.

"You know you was exactly like this" he laughed.

"Yeah and I'm sorry for all the shit I put you through. I don't know how you put up with me" I said.

"A lot of whiskey that's how" he laughed.

"It's not funny I was so close to ringing her neck" I muttered.

"You know how I feel now" he laughed "let me know when she is on her way"

"Bye dad" I said ending the call and walking back into the kitchen.

"Mum" Alvin grinned as he got home from school, instantly coming over and hugging me. At least one of my kids loved me.

"What's up kiddo?" I asked

"Can I go round to uncle jays?" He asked grabbing a bottle of water "he said he'd help me with basketball"

"Yeah that's fine baby, why not get your dad to help?" I laughed knowing the answer.

"Mum, you know dad is good at shooting and that but he's shit at basketball" he laughed.

"Be home for 8 ok" I smiled kissing his forehead. At least one of my kids didn't give me grief.

"Will do. Bye mum" he said before heading out the house.

As soon as he left I heard Camille running down the stairs with a duffle bag over her shoulder and Adam close behind her.

"When you coming back?" I asked grabbing my whiskey.

"Dunno" she shrugged.

"Right" I spat.

"Text me when you get to your pops ok" Adam said.

"Ok daddy" she smiled. Even at 17 she was still a proper daddy's girl.

"Whilst you are there think about your attitude" I said walking up to her.

"I don't have an attitude" she laughed making me raise my eyebrow at her. "You are the one that is making my life hell"

"Camille you are 17 and we cannot keep making things go away. One of these days we aren't going to be able to help and you are gonna end up in jail" I sighed

"Pffft being a bit of a hypocrite mum, I've heard stories of what you and dad got up to at my age" she shouted.

"I'm not getting into another argument with you" I said pinching the bridge of my nose.

That girl was just like me and it was actually scary. From her attitude to her looks.

"Do you know sometimes I wish you wasn't my mum" she snapped before she walked out the house.

Ok that stung like a bitch.

"Where did I go wrong with that one?" I sighed as Adam placed his hand on my shoulder.

"You didn't go wrong baby, she's the double of you. She has your attitude and temper so it's not surprising why you two clash all the time. Things will get better" he whispered.

"I must have gone wrong somewhere I've got a daughter that hates me."

I Don't Wanna Be - Sequel to Thats My Girl  Where stories live. Discover now