Leaving the Glitch

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Anti's eyes flickered open, groaning as he sat up on the couch, stretching his arms and back. He rubbed his eyes tiredly after he'd stopped stretching, looking around.

There was a note on the table beside the couch. He picked it up, reading it over.


I'm not sure if you remember, but we're going to America this morning. You did say you weren't interested, and you were sleeping so peacefully we didn't want to wake you. However, you won't be alone.

Anti gritted his teeth, not wanting the next words to say anything about Darkiplier. He sighed in relief when it didn't.

Don't worry, it's just Schneep. He had a lot of work to do at the hospital. He will be on call with Dr. Iplier through the two weeks. When you wake up, we'll be gone. Schneep should be back at about 11:00pm.

Anti pulled out his phone, checking the time and groaning when it was only 9:00am. He ignored the slight pain in his stomach as it longed for food.

We know you can't cook, so Dark is coming around 10:30am to make you some food. His teleporting comes in handy... Anyway, we'll miss you, Anti.


Anti's eyes widened at seeing Dark's name, scowling as he crumpled the paper into a ball, before ultimately throwing it in the trash. He stood up, glitching to his room.

He walked to the closet, opening it and pulling out a back turtleneck and black skinny jeans. He took off his shirt, throwing on the turtleneck. He next shrugged off his pants and boxers. He grabbed another pair out of nowhere, putting the new pair on along with the pants.

When he'd finished, he walked out of his room and into the bathroom, messing with his hair and neck wound, which would be covered by the turtleneck.

He sighed at his reflection, walking back downstairs. There was somebody in the kitchen already, making what smelled like pancakes.

Anti didn't acknowledge him, just laying back on the couch lazily. Dark peeked into the living room, "Hello again, Anti."

The glitch didn't respond, just laying still. Dark sighed, skillfully flipping pancakes in a pan. A few minutes later, the food was done.

Dark walked into the dining room, motioning for Anti to come as well. Anti sighed, standing up and walking into the dining room, not surprised to see Dark already sitting at the head of the table, eating a stack of pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

Anti sat down at the other end, where a plate of the same was already there for him. He began to stuff his face, not caring about what Dark thought as he managed to get two large pancakes in his mouth at once.

Dark was the first to speak up, "So, I've heard you can't make food?"

Anti only shrugged, swallowing the food, "It was never necessary. When I used Jack's body, I didn't need to cook. He would do that for me. And now I just... haven't cared to learn."

Dark nodded before quietly suggesting, "Maybe you should."

Anti looked up, expecting a snarky attitude of Dark criticizing his skills, but that wasn't the case. It was a serious suggestion. One that wasn't sarcastic.

Anti sighed, "I don't need to. Usually Jack or one of the others are here..."

"Schneep is," Dark pointed out.

"He's not here at the moment... Besides, he's never been a fan of me, much like the others." The glitch looked away with slight sadness in his eyes.

Dark didn't comment on that, instead he changed the subject, "What will you do for these two weeks?"

Anti shrugged, "I hadn't thought about it. I guess I'll just stay in my room..."

"That's not a good way to spend your break."

Anti rolled his eyes in response, "I don't have anything else to do. At least I won't be in Schneep's way."

"Hey, how about I take you somewhere?" Dark spoke up.

Anti frowned, "Why would you do that?"

Dark smirked, "Well I can't just leave you here, now can I? You'll get into more trouble now that you're alone."


That word sunk deep. Dark hadn't meant anything by it... But Anti still felt a sting in his chest anyway.

"Yeah, I guess..." Anti finally said.

Dark smiled, nodding, "I'll be back again tomorrow to pick you up. I'll make some pasta for lunch. Schneep should be able to pick up something for dinner."

Anti quickly finished his food and glitched the empty plate away. Dark had finished his meal too, his plate already gone as he marched back into the kitchen to make pasta.

~Time Skip~

Dark had left a while ago. The pasta he had made for lunch had been devoured by Anti. The glitch checked his phone; 11:03pm.

Anti looked to the door, Schneep was usually perfectly on time- if not even a few minutes early.

Anti sighed, standing up and walking to the door. He stepped outside, a frosty chill from the night cold hitting him as he walked outside barefoot.

Schneep's car was already parked, and the doctor had seemingly passed out in the driver's seat. Anti tried the driver door. It was unlocked. The glitch undid Schneep's belt and lifted the sleeping doctor into his arms bridal-style.

Anti grabbed Schneep's car keys and locked the car, which honked, the Irishman stirring in his sleep.

Anti carried him inside the house, locking it after him. He walked up the stairs, holding the doctor, who was still in his bloodied scrubs. Anti, of course, didn't mind the red substance.

He walked into Schneep's room, silently undressing the doctor and putting him in pajamas. Anti took off the german's mask as he threw it and the scrubs into a corner of the room. He figured Schneep could deal with that later.

Anti watched the peaceful man, smiling at his brother as he stood back up. He walked out of the room and into his own. He collapsed on the bed, instantly passing out as dreams of the day floated into his mind.

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