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I knocked on Bella's door. It was slightly open, and I could see a small light coming from her room.

Sam walked past me and said, "Good luck."

A few moments later, Bella opened the door. Her hair was wet from her shower, yet she was back in what she wore the night before as pajamas.

"Merry Christmas, Bells," I told her, giving a small kiss to her on the lips.

"Merry Christmas, PH Strip."

I sighed as I walked into her room. She laughed her cute, sweet laugh. She grabbed something from her desk while I sat on her bed. She kept it behind her back until she sat next to me.

"I'll go first," she said. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands."

I did as she told. I felt something thin fall into my hands. I opened them. What I held was a drawing she did. It was the two of us kissing in London. The background was only done I'm black while the two of us were in full color.

"Wow, Bella. This is amazing!"

"Flip it over."

I flipped it over. Taped to the other side of paper were two tickets. I looked closer and saw they were front row tickets to a Norwich City vs Manchester United football game.

I stared in awe. "Wow. I— Wow." I was lost for words. It was amazing. "Thank you. How did you even get these?"

"I called in some people who owed a few favors to my stepdad. There's some benefits to a wealthy stepfather."

I heard my brothers quietly greet Tom from downstairs.

I took the small bag that held her present and handed it to her. "Merry Christmas," I said.

She began opening the bag; I began talking again. "I know it's probably nothing like those tickets you got me, but—"

"I love it!"

She held it up into the light, admiring it from every angle. "And you even got my birth stone as the color of the paintbrush. Paddy, this is amazing. You're amazing! Here"—she turned around and lifted her hair up—"can you help me get it on?"

I clipped the small clip to the chain. When Bella turned back around, we started leaning in for a kiss.

Then I felt slobber on my hand. I turned to the side and saw Tessa trying to get on the bed.

"Hello to you to, Tess," I said, rubbing her behind the head.

I heard Bella give out a small laugh. "I guess this means we should be going downstairs, you know."

I stood up from the bed. Tessa jumped from my legs and walked out of the door. Bella stood up, too. I stuck my elbow out so she could take it.

"What a charmer," she said, linking her arm with mine.

Downstairs was chaos in its finest moment. My parents were in their rooms. It's been tradition since we were kids to cook breakfast for them then wake them up on Christmas day. Now, they're probably not even asleep, but they still prentend to be woken up by us.

The bacon sizzled on the skillet. Eggs were being thrown into the air as Sam kept asking for more. I could smell the black pudding in the oven. Baked beans were getting warmed up by the stove as Tom started frying the sausage, tomatoes, and mushrooms together.

"Good morning, you two," Tom said when he saw us.

"Merry Christmas," Bella replied, letting go of my arm.

I saw Sam look at Bella's necklace, smile, and go back to cooking.

"So, Bella," Harry started saying without even looking at her. "Where'd you get the necklace?"

Tom smiled to himself, too.

Bella looked down at her necklace before looking back up and answering. "Paddy."

"Ooh," my brothers said in unison.

"And what did Bella give you, Paddy?" Tom asked.

"Front row tickets to the Norwich City and Manchester United game," I said, nonchalant.

They stopped cooking to look at the two of us. Bella just shrugged it off like it was nothing.

Soon everything was ready. Tom and Harry walked ahead of us with the food treys as Sam, Bella, and I walked behind. Sam knocked on the door before we entered.

We woke them up by saying, "Merry Christmas," in unison.

Ack. I am so sorry for such a short chapter. I didn't want to write them opening Christmas presents because I honestly didn't know what to "give" them or anything. This should be one of the only shorter chapters, and for that, I am sorry.

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