The Beginning

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As Kensley walked out the door of her childhood home she was already thinking of the long drive out of town she didn't want to stay in her hometown any longer than she had too , But she needed to see her Best Friends Chase, Madeline , Brantley and Sammy before she left

Her Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Of a Mother is the main reason she is fleeing well technically her Mother is her Aunt Kensley found that out by accident when she was cleaning out some old boxes from the basement when she found her original birth certificate and the death certificate of her birth mother
When she confronted her "Mother " Kensley was hit and told never to speak about it again

As Kensley got into her Chevy Trax which with the help of Brantley and Chase she bought on her own after working the past four summers and through the school years

Pulling out of the driveway she headed to Brantley's house it's 2 am and no one is on the streets so it's a quick drive over she had to wait until her Mother passed out before she could leave

" Honey I'm Home " Kensley said as she walked into Brantley's house

" In Here Babygirl "Brantley said his gravely voice sounded upset

Walking into the kitchen she sees all of them
Madeline comes over to her hugs her
" I'm going to miss you but I know you have to go or she will kill you " Madeline cries on her shoulder

"Don't Maddie Boo I'll be okay when I get settled I'll let you all know where I end up so you can come see me besides we have face time and texting " Kensley says

" Babygirl here is a thermos full of coffee , I want you to call me when you stop for the night or morning depending on how far you get to tell me what hotel you are at , I have put cash in an envelope use it When you get to Charleston let Chase know so that he can set up your bank account for you We have some contacts down there they will help you get your apartment set up and a job The Anderson and Dr Roberts both numbers are in your new phone leave your old one here , Sammy has gone through your car to make sure there is no tracking devices like last time your Mother did that "

" I can't thank you enough all of you for all the help and love you have given me I'm truly going to miss you " Kensley says with tears in her eyes

7 hours later Kensley stopped for the day she still had 5 to 6 hours to go but her eyes were closing to much so she pulled into a Hotel that Brantley sent to her when she told him she was stopping all she had to do is go in and get her room key
As her head hit the pillow Kensley finally felt safe from her Mother she smiled as sleep came in fast

After getting up and showering Kensley left the next day and made it to Charleston SC and to the meeting location
As she waited for the call to say the Anderson crew was there she watched the sea gulls fly around squawking and the waves crash along the shore line

Her phone rang
" Hello "
" Little Bird We are here "

Kensley got out of the car and saw four men the size of linebackers get out of a truck then a small woman got out
The biggest of the men took the woman's hand as they walked over to her

" French Fry"
" Kangaroo "

" So your the little bird Brantley said needed help I'm Liam and the ones with me are Henry , Harry and Jack along with our Bird Lilly " Liam said

" Hello I'm Kensley Weston "

" She's cute " The one named Henry said

She couldn't help the blush that came across her cheeks

" Don't go embarrassing her " Lilly said " I'm Lilly and don't mind them that sometimes act like 12 yr olds We have your apartment set up and ready for you " she added

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