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Life is so fragile, every breath is the potential to be our last. I am looking at him, the ruthless Joe Baxter, and may I say this would be the last time he'd ever show a fraud sense of pride. But not right now, no definitely not. Not with my sister in the car. Although she knows my work and understands why I do it, I have more respect than that to put her life in jeopardy. So as normal, I will just continue to drive by.

"Dexter?" She calls and I whip my head in her direction and nod.

"Did you listen to anything I've just said?"

I hesitate to answer. The wrong answer would lead into big trouble. "Yeah."

"What was the last thing I said?" Shit. Think of something, Dex.

"I'm trying to save myself for someone who deserves my time." I guess since that's all she seems to talk about lately. She raises her eyebrows and looks ahead. Bingo. A short while After, I pull up to Anna's house and she quickly opens the car door to exit and I stop her quick by grabbing her arm, which causes her to gasp.

"Good luck with your promotion, little sis. Love you" I smile and it's like a weight has lifted off of her shoulder. Is she hiding something from me?

"Thanks Dex! I love you too." And with that, she was out of my car and already on her front steps. Weird. I shake my head and make a U-turn. I want to see if this bastard is still there. I take a look at my rear view mirror, my green eyes glancing at the road behind me and something caught my eye. Fucking joe. Is he really driving behind me right now?

I stop at a red light and his car swiftly pulls in next to mine. I peak at him and he's just looking straight into the road. My stare gets deeper and I know he feels it. He turned his head towards me and smiles. God I despise him. My car engine roars and so does my eager to slice him into pieces. The light turns green but I purposely wait for Mr. Baxter here to drive so I can do so behind him and follow him wherever this sick bastard is going. I play this roll really well if you ask me. You might think I'm the sick bastard here but my desire to kill isn't for anyone, I'm so much more better than that. My desire to kill is for all the sick twisted fucks who's raped, killed, kidnapped, even tortured. I'm just giving them a taste of their own medicine, yeah?

Joe finally pulls over in an alley and I park a block down. Why is he in a damn alley at 9:00PM? He walks towards this big storage shed looking thing and I quickly crouch down by his car. As soon as he opens it, a women tries to run out and scream. Joe couldn't be heard so he took out his gun and did something that was gonna get himself killed.


I shut my eyes and cringe and the only sound that is heard is the loud thump of her body falling on the cold cement floor. She looked to only be about 30. Her life was taken short and it's now my job to take his. He grabs ahold of another person from the shed but instead it's a man, who looked only 18. I knew what I had to do so I reached behind me and took out my ski mask and pulled it completely down my face. I quietly walk behind Baxter and the boy sees me. I quickly silence him by putting my index finger over my mouth. I reach in my sweater pocket and pull out my needle. This is what I love about being a "Lab rat", I have access to many different kinds of doses that could either kill you instantly, or put you to sleep. I prefer the sleep one just so they can be awake when they realise whatever they've done is wrong and there's no mercy at this point. It's to late. I wrap my hand around Joe's mouth and plunge the needle straight into his neck, making him light on his feet instantly. I look at the boy and he's is the worst fear of his life.

"Run." I say and he does so. I look down at baxter's paralysed body and spit right on him. Walking over to the shed I carefully open it and drag joe's body behind it and wait there till everyone has fleeted. When the sound of rapid footsteps end, I pull the body into the shed and start my set up.

My dad taught me to put clear plastic wrap all over the room so I won't get blood or evidence on the walls. Also to strip them from their clothes just so there's no fingerprints or again, traces of blood. I'm a forensic blood splatter analysis, I know these things. I quickly place joe on the table and wrap him from his head toe. He mumbles something in his sleep and I know he's waking up.

"Wh-where am I?" He groans and I take off my ski mask, letting my long brown curls flop out.

"You are to do what I say and tell me what you know about Zayn, right now."

"Wh-what are you talking about? I don't fucking know anyone named Zayn!"

sigh, wrong answer. I grab my scalpel and gently cut a straight line down his cheek and he cries out in pain. I pick up some of his blood and put it on a sheet. Oh and yeah, I collect a drop of my enemy's blood.

"FUCK OKAY YES I KNOW A ZAYN!" He begins to shake and I scream out.



"Why should I give you any mercy when you've done this?" I hold up a picture of two dead bodies that he's killed. Two little girls. Twins actually. Only about 6 years old. It's devastating. I would never stoop that low and hurt children. I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

"Oh fuck fuck fuck FUCK!" I roll my eyes. "Look man I'm sorry okay? I had a reason and I just couldn't help my self you wouldn't understand!"

"Oh yes, I could understand, because I also, can't help myself. Go to hell Baxter." And with that said, a blade was pierced straight through his chest. He coughed out blood but didn't struggle. He knew. He knew this was his last breath. And the asshole loved every second of it.


I open my eyes to the horrendous sound of my alarm, and my sister pounding on my front door. That was a marvellous dream. But don't get it wrong, I really did kill him, but about two weeks ago. It was just another flash back. I get those often.

"Dex c'mon we're gonna be late for work!" Anna yells through the door.

Work, fuck I forgot. I jump out of bed and run to the front door, prying it open and running back to my bedroom to put on some clothes.

"Geez Dexter your ding is out in the open!" She covers her face and I laugh, removing her hand so she can see that I now have something on.

"Are you ready because we're about to be late?"

"Yeah yeah." I slip on my shoes and open the fridge, grabbing two apples. I toss Anna an apple. "Let's go."


"What's going on here?" I slip on my elastic gloves and walk towards my partner, Jas. She's a homicide expertise.

"It happened again Dex," she shakes her head. "That ass hole striked again. This time, it was an undercover cop. Take a look at the body and see if you can identify it."

And that's what I do. I crouch down next to the body and I can not believe my eyes. Absolutely astonishing. No blood. At all. To top that off, the body was cut into 10 pieces. It was a masterpiece.

"No blood." I mumble out.

"None what's so ever, like it was all drained out." James approaches me and I greeted him with a nod. He was my other partner in crime. He was a forensic scientist. He was also quite the charmer when it comes to women. I look up to him. I don't know what it is about him that gets girls on the edge of their feet. Was it his blue eyes? The fact that he was irish? I don't know but right now, I need to know who did this.

"This is amazing. He's slick. Anyone know the suspect?" I ask.

"Zayn, the killer from two cases ago." He replies coldly, looking at the body and shaking his head.

"Cleaver boy."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2014 ⏰

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