Chapter 5

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Lin's POV
She answered, quietly, "He..." Pippa dropped to the ground. By that time everybody noticed Pippa. "SOMEONE CALL A AMBULANCE!" I yelled. I quickly ran to Pippa, helping her up. I carried her to the nearest seat. Her chest was covered with marks, bruises, and scars. Yet she still looks stunning as ever. I sat down with her on my lap. Her hand on my chest and my hands around her waist. I kissed her on her forehead. My face was covered in tears.
The ambulance arrived. I carried her on to the ambulance and headed to the hospital. She didn't wake up yet. I was scared and nervous on my way there.
Pippa's POV
I feel Lin's hand on my waist. It was relaxing. I wish we could stay like this forever. I blushed. But where was I? I woke up. I noticed I was in a ambulance with Lin alone. I wanted to kiss him, but knew it wasn't the right time. I also noticed I was covered in scars and cuts.
Lin's POV
Pippa just woke up. I hugged her. I was glad that she woke up. We are at the hospital. I had to sit in the waiting room. I was tense and nervous.       My foot kept on tapping on the floor. No word from the doctor or nurse. Doctors, nurses, and people flooded the hallway. I thought about Steven. I said to myself, "When Pippa gets out of the hospital she coming to stay with me and not Steven." Well... what if she get in trouble and Steven doesn't allow it? These thoughts came rushing through my head. I decided not to think about it. I didn't notice the people walking by. I was just to nervous about Pippa. Suddenly the doors opened at the hospital. It was Steven Pasquale.

I am so unmotivated to write this story. I NEED INSPIRATION !
I am bored now. Sorry for bad grammar again.
-Abby :3 (de author)

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