Wise Girl's Seaweed Brain

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"...and then you subtract this from that and voila." I said as I explained to Percy how to do his Math Homework for the tenth or so time. However many times I explained it to him, he just never seemed to get it.

He would blame it on his ADHD and Dyslexia but I had those too and I fared pretty good. So I guess I didn't really see it as a good excuse. Though I had to admit his ADHD and Dyslexia were a thousand times worse than mine.

Percy frowned and scrunched his eyebrows together, concentrating on the problem as if it was life and death. Though even that wasn't enough as five minutes later he groaned and put his pencil down with much more force than was necessary. His expression morphed from one of concentration to that of utter frustration.

"Can we take a cookies break?" He asked, making his puppy dog face.

"No, we had one like fifteen minutes ago." I replied giving him my stern face.

"How about a Blue cookie break then?"

"No, we had that fifteen minutes ago." I insisted.

"Please." He pouted and it was really hard to say no because he looked so cute. But I steeled myself and said

"No Percy you need to finish your homework. Maybe later we can have more cookies."

"Fine." He said in a disappointed tone and went back to work on his math problems.

We spent the next five minutes working in silence until Percy broke it yet again.

"Um Annabeth, how do you do this one again?" I looked at his notebook and sighed as I saw which sum it was.

"Percy, you have to do it just like you have o do all of the others." I sighed in frustration.

"Which is..."

"Come on Percy, you can do it if you just use your brain a little. Why don't you?"

"But it's hard Annie!" He complained.

"No it's not!"

"Yes it is!"

"Is not!"

"Is so!"


"IS SO!"

"The problem's not hard you just don't have a proper brain because it's too full of seaweed to function."

"My brain is not full of seaweed!" He protested.

"Yes it is! You're a complete idiot you Seaweed Brain!"

"And you are a know-it-all you-you-Wise Girl!"

"Percy that's not an insult." I told him.

"Oh well, see that's why you're a Wise Girl."

That was when we started laughing and we laughed until our stomachs hurt. Then we went back to studying. Five minutes later thought Percy groaned yet again.

"Annabeth, how do you do this one again?"

I merely shook my head and showed him how to do the sum. Percy sure was a Seaweed Brain but he was my Seaweed Brain and I was his Wise Girl.

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