Chapter 5

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I hissed, brushing white mist off my long white horns. I hope Violet's okay. I thought, yawning. Hypto stretched sticking her claws into my leg. "Ow!" I yelped grabbing her.

"Sorry." She grumbled, curling back into a multi-colored ball. Somedays that cat creeps me out. I walked out the tent to see Jason making breakfast. "What do you have cooking today Jason"

"Nothing, basic eggs and bacon" "Anything, you're great Jason." Jason blushed profusely. "Thanks Finn."

"No problem." I nodded to him before sitting down and started eating my breakfast.

"Hey, where's Violet?" I asked him, mouth full of mashed eggs. "Oh, Millie should be heading back with her now." He said, looking up. "Speaking of the devil.." I followed his gaze until I saw Maverick. He lowered, Millie and Violet hopping off his back. "Thanks Maverick." Millie patted his head.

Maverick closed his eyes, then shifted into his elven form. Oppa rolled his eyes, turning away with his arms crossed. Violet huffed, standing beside me, looking smug. I wonder what happened... I shrugged, walking back to my tent. I wasn't going to be apart of their argument. I already had enough on my mind. So much has happened in the past year, I can't believe Mom is actually gone.

She didn't get to see Violet grow up into the young.. Lady..? She was today.

"Get up everyone!" Finn said cheerfully. "We're going to the beach!" He said, smiling. Everyone looked at me confused. "Are you being true?" Violet tilted her head. "Well, of course!" He grinned. Finally everyone is going to get along. Jason pulled up with a black jeep, a baseball cap backwards on his head. Violet smiled, jumping into the jeep. "Everyone ready?"

"Yep!" Okalyn chirped, and Violet and her giggled in the very back. Oppa rolled his eyes. It started raining, and they all sighed. "Ugh.." They all said in unison. Violet flared her wings over her head, trying to shelter Maverick and Okalyn. Oppa grumbled and flared his wings as well, his and hers together sheltering everyone. "Thanks, Oppa." Oaklyn muttered. "No problem." He said, shrugging. They got to the beach, and it stopped raining. They all hopped out, and Okalyn and Violet squealed and ran towards the water. Finn and Jason followed more slowly. Oppa stood with his back to the water.

"I am not swimming!" He declared, marching back to the Jeep. Violet walked up to him and gripped his ear, dragging him to the edge of the sand. She picked him up over her head and tossed him into the water. She giggled, and Jason pushed her in. She stood up, rubbing white hair out of her face. "I swear-" She ran at him, gripping his leg and started biting it. "Ow ow ow ow ow!" He said, shaking his leg to try and get her off. "Finn! Help me!" He screamed, as blood started dripping down his leg. I tore Violet off Jason's leg."Sorry..." She mumbled, arms crossed. One of her long fangs was chipped, and she rubbed blood out of her nose. Jason had punched her to get her off. "It's fine, and I'm sorry for punching you." He said, walking up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "You broke my sniffer." She sniffled.

"Hey, I didn't ask you to bite me." He said, lifting his hand off her shoulder. "And I didn't ask you to shove me into the water!" She huffed. "Fine, that's fair." He walked back and sat down. Violet flew off, grumbling. Oppa walked up to the fire. "Where's she going?" He asked. "Who knows, honestly." I shrugged. "I'll go get her." Finn said, standing up and flying off.

Later that night...

Finn flew back, looking very troubled. "I can't find her." A shadow moved near the corner behind the Jeep, and Tamsin and Jason stood. A snort came from the shadows, and Maverick's head appeared. His eyes looked dull and sad, and a black glowing chain was wrapped around his muzzle and head. "Maverick? Who did this to you?" Jason growled. Violet stepped out, on top of Maverick's head. She was holding the chain, smiling unnaturally. She grunted and jerked the chain, and Maverick blew fire at the already lit fire pit. The air around them all exploded and Maverick easily walked through it. Finn shot a small ice spear at Violet, and it shattered when it hit her palm. Her smile faltered. She grunted like she was disappointed, and jumped off Maverick's head.

Violet snapped her fingers, and glowing white powdery mist floated up from her hand. Glowing skeletons in Royal Moon armour flew down from the sky, and stood at the ready in front of Maverick.

She flicked her wrist and more came, and started to attack the group. Oaklyn yelped in surprise and stabbed some with a giant thorn. Jason held a flaming ball of fire in his hand, throwing it at the warriors. Finn pulled his hand up, and ice spears stabbed up out of the ground. She disappeared in white mist and appeared behind Finn, reaching around and stabbed him in the eye. "Finn!" Jason shouted, and started toward them. Violet giggled and disappeared, her and Maverick disappearing completely. Finn jolted up out of his cot and threw his hand over his eye, panting. He looked over, and Violet was sleeping soundlessly. Must've been a dream... He laid his head back down, sighing. "Why do I keep having dreams like this...?" He wiped his eyes.

Finn walked outside. Violet was running around, trying to get away from the flowers that sprouted where she stepped. Oaklyn sneezed, shifting into a dark green dragon. Maverick touched a cut on Oppa's arm, it healed instantly. No scar at all. Suddenly a deer just walked up to Finn and rubbed against his arm. Wait.. Deer hate me. I thought. Millie shot moon dust out of her hands, laughing. She started floating. "This is awesome." She said, and Tamsin shot ice at Violet by accident. A giant vine sprouted up and pierced it. "WOAH-" He was now surrounded by animals."Uhm- Tamsin can you help me?" He asked, terrified of the wolf that was licking his hand. "Oh sure." She approached, and the small animals ran away. The wolves and coyotes growled, barking at her. Tamsin backed away, eyes wide. "It seems I cannot help you after all." After she retreated, they all came back. "We need to figure out who did this." Violet said, hovering over the Jeep. "Right." Jason said, punching his fist. "I might have an idea of who did this." Oppa said. "My brother.. Aggro." He finished darkly. "He has a power switch people powers to confuse them before he attacks." Hypto woke up blinking her eyes. "I feel different." She mumbled. She grabbed mirror looking into seeing that she just had blue eyes. "Ahhh!!" She screamed. 

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