Part 4

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*third person*

Kokichi looked at the arrowhead again, and then at his arm. The arrowhead seemed normal enough to him. So he didn't understand what Maki and Himiko did. He then had a thought.

"Did the arrowhead have a poison or something on it!"

Kokichi spoke quietly under his breath as the thought came into his head. He needed answers, especially if he was going to die soon. Kokichi went over to the spot where he had last seen Maki and Himiko. He decided to start there to look for them.

Kokichi tried to ignore the pain in his right arm while going through the hallways looking for Himiko and Maki. He had no idea where they could be. The most obvious place to look would be in one of there dorms. But that seemed abit to obvious. So that was one of the first places he looked.

He decided to check out Himiko's dorm first. She was the Ultimate Magician, so she could probably make something. With magic or whatever. Kokichi's lucky guess was right, he could hear there chatter from within the room.

"So, what should we do if it doesn't work?"

"Well, you made the potion. Couldn't you use a spell."

"Oh yeah, that woul of  probably been easier than the whole crossbow thing."

"It has a higher risk of working. Besides, now what is Kokichi supposed to do if his right arm is injured."

"So, his arm is hurt. And he should get all his memories back. If what Monokuma said was correct. It should be who he was before coming here; a totally different person. I mean, he should be lucky that I only shot his arm."

"Monokuma said that we all were supposed to have really dark backgrounds or something like that. Hopefully he will suffer."

"They're giving me my memories back?"

Kokichi was dumbfounded. Of course, he couldn't remember his background. And it kinda scared him abit. What was he supposed to do, just wait for it to kick in. Monokuma was supposed to give him his memories back anyway. So what difference would this make.

He would rather be changed by Monokuma. He should at least know what he's doing. But not Himiko. She made "spells" not potions.

"Great, so I'm going to die faster."

Kokichi thought to himself about what was going to happen. But was quickly interrupted by the sharp pain in his arm. He winced in pain and grabbed his arm again.

"No, me the Ultimate Supreme Leader can't give in to their plan. I can't show pain."

Kokichi released his arm and stared at the blood on his hand. He whipped it off on his sleeve, because it already had blood on it.

He was thinking of going to Shuichi. If anyone he should know what to do. But he'd rather not have Saihara worry about his problems. Because like stated earlier, he was going to get his memories back anyway.

Why should he care.

It had been a couple of weeks, and nobody has seen Kokichi. Some people like Kaede and Shuichi we're concerned about his absence. But other people like Kaito or Miu didn't care to much. They just assumed that he died already, but nobody could find his body so there wasn't a announcement.

Shuichi approached Kaede to talk about the matter.

"Kaede, have you seen Kokichi anywhere? I mean, I'm pretty sure Monokuma hasn't done anything to him... yet."

"No, I haven't seen him either. I'm getting kinda concerned. What do you think could of happened?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe we should look for him."

Kiibo overheard there conversation.

"Wait, I can help you guys look."

The three of them then went out to find him.

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