Chapter 4

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3 years later...

Graduation was closing in. Lara, Chris, and Luce stuck by each other throughout all the years and fought back against the villain Railin and his gang. Somehow, they stopped bothering them after a year of backlash that Lara believed was the cause of Luce's mysterious guardian angels.

"I'm so tired," Lara yawned as she put her tray on the table they usually sat at in the back of the cafeteria.

Luce and Chris waited for her at the table with their food sitting in front of them untouched as they waited for her to arrive. She was a little late due to the classroom hold up that was being punished for rushing the end of class. It was the same saying "The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do,"

"I felt that," Chris chuckled.

His blonde hair had grown out and curled to his ears, it was well kept. It seemed as though he discovered the use for hair gel and deep conditioning. Luce appeared more mature, but still was the same adorable boy they got to know over the years. Luce had curly, black hair that shined in the light and he had the perfect lashes that outlined the sharpness of his eyes.

Lara grew up as well, only a slight change in her body figure. But she was still the same positive girl she was when they all became best friends. Her chest was growing more obvious and she fidgeted in her seat every now and then to move her undergarment without being noticed that she was uncomfortable as the wire pinched her skin.

"The end of year ball is coming up, will we be going?" Luce glanced over at Lara's expression after Chris asked, "I kind of want to end middle school with at least this memory,"

"My mom actually bought me a dress and is kind of forcing me to go," Lara sipped on her apple juice that was a little wet and cold from condensation, "She says I should have memories of my middle school years. What about you Luce, are you coming?"

Luce felt excited to join them for the last year memories, but more interested to see Lara in a dress. The years that past between Luce and Lara was years of confused thoughts as every encounter was a moment stopped of confusing accelerated heart beats. Their excuses pointed towards their growing adolescence. Luce never made a move on her as he was unsure why he felt so close to Lara. After all, she protected him. He saw a true friend.

"Let's make a memory!" Luce smiled with excitement.

When Luce smiled, Lara felt her chest palpitate as she felt trapped by it. His manly features were not in full bloom yet, but some of it was beginning to show from the definition of his color bone that she could see through the gap of his black button up shirt. It fit his body perfectly and complimented his neck and defined jaw line. She stopped and shook her head as she found herself getting overwhelmed.

"Lara, are you okay?" Chris asked as he noticed her face become a blush red.

"I'm fine," She chuckled awkwardly and refused to make eye contact with anyone, "I'm going to go see about those tickets,"

As she got up nervously, Luce saw she was going to trip on her backpack strap. His reaction speed was much quicker than before. He rushed to catch her and she hadn't realized how much taller he had become as he towered over her. When their eyes met, flashbacks of when their eyes had met for the first time returned to the surface of their memories. He caught her by the waist and held her until the moment ended from their embarrassing realization.

"T-thank you," Lara escaped his grasp and realized he was not aware of his charm and aura. It almost frightened her as she began to tremble.

Without another word, she retrieved her things carefully and dashed for the cafeteria exit. The heat in her face burned furiously as she felt faint and weak bodied. What's gotten into me? She thought to herself over and over again.

Once she got to the event office, the door clicked open and there exited a familiar face of bad memories. Railin had changed his entire attire and appearance. He had remained quiet over the years and was seen with his friends less and less. The change in his character was quite suspicious and not normal, considering how fast his behavior changed. It was like he was put under a spell.

Before the door closed, Lara entered the office while also trying to forget the previous situation.

"Ah, Lara. Are you feeling well?" The woman, Mrs. Perch, noticed Lara's condition, but she just nodded with uncertainty, "I see. How is mother? I haven't spoken with her in quite some time,"

"Things have been busy back at home. After father got a new job, mother has been tiring herself out with starting her own business," Lara sighed in distress, more so over the thoughts that pressured her over Luce, "But she is fine. I came here because she want to get tickets for the end of year ball,"

"Will Chris be going with you as well?" Mrs. Perch asked. Lara's heart skipped a beat thinking about how to say Luce's name without sounding awkward.

"Um, yea. And one other as well, please," Lara avoided saying his name. Why are you avoiding his name? Lara, what's going on? You've known each other for over 2 years! Ugh!

"Oh? Who might the plus 2 be?" Mrs. Perch asked.

Before she could hesitate longer to say his name, the door behind her clicked open. She turned to see Chris and Luce standing behind her. Before she could speak, the woman laid three tickets on the counter and winked towards Lara when she looked back. Lara felt embarrassed. It's not like that! Lara thought.

"I presume everything is taken care of?" Chris walked towards the counter and picked up the tickets, handing them out as if he bought them, "Cool. Time for class! I'll see you at the dance, Lara,"

Chris winked jokingly towards Lara which made her feel like he was insinuating something wrong. They had definitely entered their mean state of maturity while Lara was facing uncontrollably enhanced emotions that she could not understand. Love was the last thing on her mind.

"Jerk," She whispered under her breath. 

As class came to an end, Lara could not meet with Chris and Lara at the same usual hiding spot due to her mothers demands to prepare her for the school dance for the next day. Lara felt it was unnecessary, but she obeyed her mothers wishes and prepared her heart. She meditated her thoughts to keep her thoughts steady. She tried to remember what her normal self was, but had trouble trying to see process the situation as anything else, but weird.

Only the event set for tomorrow could tell where things will lead from here or what would change. Or who would be lost...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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