15 - King Of A Mountain

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Following that meeting with Olethea, I wasn't myself anymore. I wasn't as forthcoming as before like she gave me a key to lock my soul from others. I didn't feel like talking to anyone at the moment. However, an urge to ask Nate the most desired question didn't leave my head - was he a real Lycan or at least an offspring of one?

As I entered the house that day, nobody greeted me, which I was grateful for; thus, nobody witnessed my pale snow face. I closed the door behind me and made my way to the stairs as I wanted to hide from the eyes of others.

Yet, when I was about to step on the first stair, a muffled rustling from behind made me swiftly turn around. I was faced with chocolate brown eyes and the focused face of my mate as he stood at the other corner of the staircase. Just look how simple the power of thoughts works - I merely thought about questioning him, and here he appeared in front of me.

I stood there staring at him for a moment, completely blank. My norms of this world were misplaced a little in my head. I couldn't perceive my surroundings clearly. The look on his face was worrisome.

He crossed his arms on his chest as he was leaning on the wall - "You good?" - he was able to ask me finally. Such a simple question was hard to answer for me cause the word "good" to me had multiple definitions at the moment.

"Yeah. I'm fine," - I muttered back to Nate and looked away from his ardent gaze. I swallowed the unpleasant feeling down my throat as I didn't feel pleasant at all with all the news I received today.

I could see that he didn't believe a word I had just said. I guess I was that bad at hiding my mood. He then raised his eyebrow skeptically and burned holes in my head with his piercing eyes. I sighed heavily before opening my mouth again.

"I'll tell you the details later. I just found out not the happiest news. I need some time alone" - I told the truth this time. Nate's eyes seemed to relax a little, though I could see that I got his full attention.

"I just wanted to let you know that we are going to meet someone tomorrow. It's a thirty-minute drive from here. Hope you don't mind?" - He spoke after a moment of speechlessness between us. I guess he was pondering on asking me in a state with which I had entered the house.

"Oh no. Of course. If it's important, I'm in. Not even questioning" - I quickly responded back to him. I definitely, didn't want my mood to be a determining factor in any decision. If there's something we got to do, we do it no matter what.

I never understood those people that can't do something because they didn't feel like it. Since when your mood or your situation defines what you can and can't do? It's out of option. You do what you have to do no matter what.

Yes, my situation was more than just a mess - it was fucked up. Everything in my life was turned upside down, but it shouldn't determine what I can and can't do. Maybe my thinking will be slower than usual because my mind will wander places. Yet, I still have to do regular, day-to-day activities. That's what probably maturity is - doing stuff you don't always want to.

"Alright then. We are going to leave tomorrow around three in the afternoon. I have to do a couple of checkups on the felling site. Should be free by that time" - Nate clarified himself, leaving me with no questions. I nodded back in response, and as if it was enough for him, he turned around and walked back into the office.

I don't know why but at that exact moment, I felt a little hurt cause he didn't double-check on me again. I know I told him I was fine, but I just wanted a little bit more of his attention - a little bit more of affection. I had no right to ask of it now, but I was still a female who needed attention and tenderness from her men.

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