17 - Broken Chandelier

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***Violent Scene Ahead***

I was still dumbfounded by what I had witnessed - blood, screams full of pure pain, Nate and Alex. I started to doubt that I even knew who Nate indeed was. I was blaming myself for jumping to conclusions too quickly. The scene of him ripping that elk's flesh like it's not even raw and then torturing someone in pain as if they're just objects made me queasy.

I made my way upstairs, but I didn't turn toward my chambers. Instead, I went in the opposite direction towards the member's wing. My legs were carrying me at this point while my upper body was still numb. Only one person might believe me right now, and she'll be the one who would despise Beta even more than she already does - Bella.

I swung open the door and stopped in the doorway as the girl with a rounded confused face turned to face me. I dropped the doorknob right at the entrance, and it fell on the floor with a loud bang.

Bella was sitting at the desk behind a massive pile of papers while someone's voice was talking uninterruptable through the phone. A pencil was set behind her ear while she was looking at her laptop screen before I disrupted her hard-working environment in the condition I was in at the moment.

Bella's eyes were round in shock as she looked at my frightened-to-death look, dirty clothes and bruised knees as she scanned my body.

"Excuse me, Dana. I've got an emergency over here. May I call you back in a moment, please? Thanks," - Bella pressed the button to end the call.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" - she quickly skipped to me through all the mess on the floor - "Talk to me, Liz, for fuck sake?!" - Bella grabbed both of my shoulders to shake me up a little and looked me straight in the eyes as worry spread across her dark green orbs.

My mouth opened and closed without a word escaping it. I couldn't find any way to describe all the terrible things I'd just seen. one of my arms went up in the air as I pointed in the direction of the dungeons, or at least I thought so.

"You've got any idea of what's going on in the west wing?" - I eventually voiced my thoughts out loud. Bella looked confused as if she didn't understand what I was talking about.

"What about the west wing? It's forbidden to everyone except Alpha, Alex, Marcus and a couple more troopers." - She explained before she squinted in suspicion at me - "Did you... go... there?" - she asked the question quietly so that only I could hear it.

I gulped the excess saliva in my mouth before nodding my head. The look she gave me was the one letting me know that I was screwed up-her once beautiful concerned orbs filled with anxiety. I could see the hesitation on her face as well.

"What was there?" - she asked me as her voice was trembling. Now she was alarmed too.

"They are doing terrible things down there. You've got no idea." - I said as quietly as possible - "If you ever wondered where they were taking the captives, that's where. And what they do with them there can't be compared to a nightmare 'cause it already is."

"What are they doing in there?" - Bella asked me more boldly this time, and I could see the rage rising in her look. I wiped my face with my palm as I got sweaty again from all the adrenaline pumping in my blood.

"They're torturing them, ripping their bodies piece by piece. They bring a killed animal in front of a human, and Nate was feeding on it, but I don't know what the purpose of it." - I answer, although I knew what the vast elk was for. Nate would feed on it, as it'll distract him from human flesh. Nate was a Lycan, after all, and they used to feed on humans a long time ago.

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