X: A Prophecy

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How long had it been since I'd last spoken to Aiz, I wondered? If my memory wasn't wrong, I hadn't spoken to her since her warning to me about Grover coming to Westover Hall. After that I hadn't spoken so much as a single word to her... Hell, I don't think I'd even really seen her around that much, if I was honest.

So why was she calling me now?

"You're not in the school," Aiz said. "You vanished... You're at Camp Half-Blood, aren't you?"

"Yeah, I am," I confirmed. "Dr Thorn made his move. I erased him, and then stuff happened and now I'm in Camp Half-Blood."

"I see..." She said, silence reigning between us for a minute or so before she spoke up again. "So, you've made your choice then," she said to him.

"I'm sorry, can you blame me?" I snorted at her. "'I'm part of a shady organization. I can't tell you who our leader is, or what the goal of our organization overall is because I swore an oath to not say his name, and I don't know our goal, but I fully expect that you'll join us.' Yeah, there was no way in Hades I was joining."

She was frowning on the other side of the phone, I could feel it. "You mentioned that the last time we spoke, and I was thinking about it... When I contacted the higher ups and asked the questions you asked, they only told me not to worry about it... And yet I am concerned about my organization. Little things I didn't notice before in my memory are now standing out..."

I closed my eyes. Blind loyalty, that was what Aiz had been blinded with. I could see that now. And now that I'd asked the right questions, she was asking questions that were beginning to get rid of her loyalty.

"Why did you really call me?" I asked. "I know you didn't call me to just discuss this."

"You're right, I didn't call you to discuss this," she said to me. "I have information I thought you'd want to know, since you're at Camp Half Blood now..."

"And that is?"

"The Titans are starting to more thoroughly make their moves, coming out into the open. Before they'd been somewhat stealthy and quiet, trying to fly under the radar of the gods. But they're starting to no longer care, making bolder moves than before. Be careful."

I frowned lightly at her words... So, the Titans were starting to make this an open war, not a shadow war like it had been until now from what I'd heard. But one question stood out in my mind, "How do you know all this?"

"We have someone on the inside," she told me, and my eyes widened. Tribus had a double agent. But wait... She knew I was at Camp, but I could have just left. How did she-? "And before you ask, yes. We also have a double agent at Camp Half-Blood too. Though you'll never find them, so I wouldn't bother looking."

"... Alright then," I said. "I'm going to go now, Aiz. But I'll give you some advice. Your organization is shady, too shady to be trusted in my opinion. I think that it's time you asked yourself just what their goals are, and if they can really be trusted. I'm going to destroy this card, can't risk it having a tracking function."

"... Be careful," was all Aiz said.

There was silence.

True to my word, I ripped up the black card into several pieces, before tossing them outside and letting them scatter to the winds.

I took a seat on my bed, thinking over just what I'd heard. A shadow war, starting to move into the open. The titans on one side, the gods on the other... And behind the scenes, a shady organization claiming to mostly be comprised of Zeus and Hades' kids, with kids of others...

"There's something going on," I murmured to myself. "This Tribus group... I somehow feel they're the key to all this. But the real question is should I open that door?"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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