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It was almost as if she were a fish out of water, she could hear what Bella was telling her but she almost couldn't believe it.

"So you read this book about vampires and now you think that that's what the Cullens are?"

"You don't remember me telling you about it when we went to the bookstore?" Bella replied back from her place on her bed. Lilith was straddling her desk chair, trying to process what she was saying.

"Take a couple blows to the head and I probably can't even tell you what I had for breakfast this morning." Lilith joked, trying to ease some of the tension.

Bella winced, "Right, I'm sorry. Thank you for defending me."

"You're my friend Bella, of course I would." The brunette smiled back at her. "Anyways, you do realize how crazy you sound, right?"

"I know. But think about it, how else would Edward have gotten to me so quickly when he was standing next to you? Vampire speed."

Lilith thought about it and it did kind of make sense. Their pale skin, color changing eyes and completely flawless complexion was a little suspicious. Not to mention, they all had almost the same similarities but were all adopted.

"Plus, I asked Edward and he confirmed it."

Lilith scowled at her and threw a pencil that was laying on the desk at her that hit her chest. "You should've just said that from the beginning!"


"So I'm dating a vampire?"

Bella hopped up like a jack in the box, "You and Emmett are dating?" Her smile was wide.

Lilith rolled her eyes, "I just found out that the supernatural was real and that's your take away?"

"Sorry, I'm just so happy for you!"

"Thanks, Bella." It felt nice to finally have a friend she could share things with. "So how do you deal with it? Edward being a vampire and all."

Bella shrugged, "I mean, it doesn't change anything."

"Not even the fact that he could snap your neck with a flick of his wrist?"

Bella gave her a pointed look, "I see what this is about. Edward wouldn't hurt me the same way that Emmett wouldn't hurt you. You should see the way he looks at you, like you created the stars. He's in love with you."

"Alright, Bella, slow your roll. We just started dating." Lilith crossed her arms over the back of the chair and put her chin on the top.

"I'm just saying, just because he's another species, doesn't mean he cares about you any less."

"Yeah, I guess you're right."


Lilith pulled into school the next day and noticed Emmett's apprehensive expression when she drove past him. By the time she parked her car and grabbed her school bag, Emmett was already at her car and opening the door for her.

"Thanks." She climbed out and he just stared at her. "Is everything okay?"

"I don't know, is it?"

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