The Snake

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My breaths were short as I sprinted through the wet grass. I couldn't help but laugh as I ran to the hiding spot I'd been wanting to use for so long. They'd never find me here. They probably didn't even know this part of our property existed; I'd never brought any friends to this side of the yard.

The pond game into view, glistening in the soft moonlight. I smiled once more. I just had to go around the pond and then I'd be there.

Small amounts of water splashed up onto my jeans as I ran along the edge of the pond.

The area past the pond was heavily wooded, trees overtaking the area. I had to squeeze through them, leaves crunching beneath my white sneakers, to get to the small graveyard.

My mother once explained to me that out ancestors who'd lived in our house used to bury anyone who died out here. It's a small cemetery; a personal one, but it still had probably near fifty headstones inhabiting it. They'd always told me not to come out here as a kid so, naturally, I did.

When I broke through the thick trees and into the clearing that held the corpses of my ancestors buried six feet under, I smiled. I'd always taken a type of pleasure in the place; it had a dark beauty that shone brighter than any other I'd ever seen.

I looked over the grave stones and walked toward the back, kneeling down into the cold, wet soil beneath me and ducking my head behind it. There's no chance I'd be found for at least a few hours here.

They'd probably give up on hide and seek and I'd have to reveal myself. The thought of victory like that made my heart pump faster. I'd always been competitive.

Behind me, a low growl emanated through the small graveyard. I rolled my eyes, thinking it was probably one of my friends who followed me and tried to scare me.

"You're gonna have to try harder than that to get me to jump," I said, turning to the bushes behind me.

No one answered me.

A laugh bubbled out of my mouth. They were going to try the air of mystery? Hopefully they realized it wasn't working. Besides, everyone who knew me would know that I don't scare easily. It takes much more than a small growl in the dead of night.

"You can come out. You're not gonna scare me. And do it quickly; I don't wanna waste any more time being loud. It might give us away," I said. Still no answer.

"Are you really going to keep trying to scare me?" I asked, looking closer at the bushes. The leaves rustled slightly, but still, no one came out.

I got up and pushed a branch aside, looking behind the cluster. No one was there. How could no one be there? I heard the growl.

Then, suddenly, another low, guttural growl came from above me. Slowly, with sweaty palms, I turned my head upward toward a tree with a low hanging branch just in time to see two, black boots flying down toward me.

They hit my chest, sending me from a kneeling position into being sprawled across the ground. Luckily, the figure didn't land on me totally; when I was pushed back, they hit the ground next to me.

I scrambled to my feet, lashing out my leg. I felt it make contact with a neck, and then suddenly something sharp clamped down onto my arm.

A scream exploded out of my mouth as pain enveloped my whole body. I looked down through my haze of pain and saw a large snake, sinking it's jaw into my arm. My breaths were fast, sweat immediately pooling on my forehead and back. A man with a heavy beard stared up at me with murderous eyes from the ground laughing.

My eyes began to close, the sheer pain of the snake bite sending me falling to the ground limply. I was unconscious before the man who sent the snake upon me could say anything.

That morning, my friends and family walked out to the graveyard to see if I was there. They found me dead on the ground, a snake asleep in my eaten-out stomach.

++++ A/N ++++

Hey everyone... Well so it's been nearly two months but I finally got on myself about writing a new chapter! I hope you enjoyed it and that it wasn't too gruesome!

Thanks for reading.

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