He Can't leave

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  Jungkook was Tae's friend first, then he was his boyfriend, and then his husband. When they got settled into their new house is when Jungkook saw the biggest change. Tae would go to the bar and come back drunk. Yoongi usually brought him in. Jungkook knew what type of drunk he was. Tae got sexually. Jungkook was still a virgin, so Tae never did a thing that dirty. Jungkook started to bare get sleep. He would pass out sometimes, but wake up in time for Tae to not notice. Jungkook was worrying his and Tae's friends. Jin had volunteered to watch Jungkook. Tae was confused why he needed to be watched. The others wouldn't tell him until they knew for sure.

  Jin arrived and pushed Tae out to go with the other four. Jungkook was carrying the clean clothes to his and Tae's room. Jin walked in and made him stop. He made him go sleep. Jungkook just listened. Jin got tired after folding clothes and putting them away. He laid by Jungkook. Tae came home and got mad. He couldn't tell that it was Jin. Namjoon came in and took Jin. Tae went to Jungkook when he knew they were gone. He stripped Jungkook of all his clothes. Jungkook woke up in the middle of it.

  Tae was much stronger than him, so his intervention was not effective. Tae pulled out his own cock. Jungkook realized what was happening. Tae thought he was cheating. Tae was possessive over him when he was drunk. Jin was usually at his and Namjoon's house. He was so lost in thought. Tae ramming into his hole made him snap back to reality. Jungkook screamed out. Tae was in him raw and with nothing else. Jungkook was glad when the pain went away. Tae didn't slow down. Jungkook was forced to go for five rounds. Tae, in his drunken state, put a button plug in Jungkook's ass.

  Tae woke up to Jungkook whining about him wanting his cock in him and not the plug. Tae was confused. Jungkook said how he fucked him last night and went for five rounds. Tae was really worried. He carried Jungkook to their bathroom. He started the bath and got that ready before he went to Jungkook. He pulled the plug out. The cummed came flowing out. Tae hugged Jungkook and apologized to him. He was mumbling about how he took his virginity. Jungkook calmed him down by explaining that it was okay since he was his husband.  Tae mentioned that it was his first time, too. Jungkook was proud he was Tae's first. Jungkook undressed him. Tae was calmed down a little about him raping Jungkook.

  Jungkook was getting something. But, when he sat down. He hit Tae's dick with his own. He rubbed against it. Tae grunted not noticing his husband's action. Tae wasn't expecting Jungkook to set on his cock and force it inside. Tae let Jungkook to set there and feel the feeling he was craving. Tae got horny and moved inside him. Jungkook moaned and smiled. He wasn't expecting Tae to pick him up and fuck him against the wall. Jungkook was fine with it. He pulled Tae's head to his neck. Tae knew he wanted to become his mate for the rest of his life. Tae just did it for him.

  The few weeks later, Tae was out getting food with the other omegas, Yoongi, Jimin, and Jin. Jungkook was eating more than usual. Tae had an appointment set up for him. Jungkook didn't want to go, but Tae would drag him there himself. Tae arrived later than he would have if he had gone. Tae kissed Jungkook as soon as he was done with putting away the food. Tae was smiled as Jungkook was getting horny, but Tae pulled away. Tae cuddled up to him on the couch. Jungkook fell asleep after a while. Tae did the same after a few minutes.

  Jin woke them up. Tae went to get ready for the bar. Namjoon told Jungkook to get ready, too. He reluctantly went and got dressed in something that was close to Jin, Jimin, and Yoongi's outfits. Tae was pissy that Jungkook was coming. Jin made him shut up. Tae made Jungkook stick close to him. Hoseok had signed the four omegas up for job of replacing the original strippers. There was a female role that one of them would have to fill. Jimin pulled Jungkook with them when their names were called. Jungkook was put through the most changes. He had fake ponytails, makeup put on, and had the tightest outfit since it was for a female. He was surprised it was only a little small. The actual stripper, who would have wore it, was commented that he was smaller than her. Jungkook was happy it covered what need to be. Jungkook was lined up after Yoongi. They each were led out by the actual strippers that were in disguise. Jungkook saw all the horny alphas. The theme involved cages.

  Jungkook ended up being the surprising best at the dance, even though he barely watched it, but from the little time backstage. Tae wasn't where he was before when Jungkook was dancing. The female came and pulled him back. Tae was backstage and in Jungkook's changing room. Jungkook was left alone with him. Tae walked over and kissed him. Jungkook smiled. Tae unzipped the back. Jungkook was allowed to keep the skirt since she had a lot of backups. Tae pulled up the skirt. Tae wasn't allowing himself to drink since Jungkook's appointment was early in the morning. The seven left earlier that normal.

  The next day, Tae was woke Jungkook up. Jungkook reluctantly got up and dressed. They made it in time. Jungkook made them let Tae come with. Jungkook had to go to the bathroom badly, but knew they would have him pee in a cup. Tae answered questions Jungkook wasn't comfortable to say. Tae knew became he was there. Jungkook was relieved when he was sent in to do the test and use the bathroom in general. Jungkook brought it out and gave it to the doctor. He went off to test it. Tae was half awake. Jungkook walked over and squeezed his cock. Tae jumped. Jungkook sat on his lap and hugged him. The doctor came in and was surprised a little at Jungkook waking Tae up by pulling him up and dropping him. Tae was awake in seconds.

  "Well, Mr. Kim, you are indeed pregnant!" The doctor said.

  Jungkook was happy. Tae was tired, but woke up to the word pregnant. They were free to go. Jungkook was telling Tae about how excited he was about becoming a mother.

   9 months later, Jungkook was able to leave the hospital. The six others had set up a party. Jin instantly stole the baby girl. He held her until Namjoon forced him to give her back and go home.

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