July 1452

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At long last the harsh winter had finally broken in late March, and now it were long forgotten, no one remembered how the cold seeped into their bones for now it were melted away by a hot sun. Omor Dracula sat on a wooden stump within the forest, carving out slices from an apple, enjoying the peaceful act as it resisted the first touch of the blade before slicing smoothly into the flesh. He took a deep satisfied breath as that crisp, sweet juice filled his senses. He watched as small children played chase, laughing and screeching as they ran about their day, beaming more with pride at the sight of his little sister. In the beginning he couldn't quite pronounce her name, Daciana, instead calling her 'Da' to which the seventeen year old man still called her to this day. She were nine at the beginning of the year, nine years since she were born, nine years since his father died, but her resemblance to the man were a reminder to Omor to be more careful of his actions. He was a foolish child that day, acting purely on angry impulse. No one except himself knew what had killed his Tatâ, and being the only son in the family, it were up to him to provide money and food. Despite how ill he'd felt watching the deer die in the woods that day, he'd slowly grown accustomed to hunting and killing out in the wild. Even at the age of ten, two years after the accident, Omor managed to strike a deer down on his own. In a way it were therapeutic to do it, as though things had come full circle and both souls could rest at last. The only issue with hunting in a wood at ten years old, were getting your kill back home with weak small arms and whilst it were a tedious and long task getting the kill home, he'd managed it.
"Da!" The young man called, smiling as his little sister stopped giving chase and looked round to the voice calling her. Omor couldn't help but laugh softly as he saw the look of fright on her face as though she'd done something wrong. It wasn't long before she saw that she wasn't in trouble at all, running over to her brother with the brightest smile on her red shining cheeks. The girl threw her arms around the taller one, her arms wrapping around his legs as Omor's rest loosely round on her head and shoulders. "Aici, -" the taller man took his seat on the wooden stump so that he came level headed with the smaller child, eyes sparkling as he looked innocently at the girl and reached behind him for his Apple & blade"- ti-ai dori niśte mâr?" Waving the fruit within his hand. Daciana gave a nod of her head and eyed the apple expectantly. With a nod, Omor began to carve into the apple, heading a warning to her which she no doubt received from their Mamâ but it were more reassurance on his mind that she were given another as well. "Da?" He started as he began to slice a second piece of apple as she started to chew on her first "If you're playing in the woods, be careful of tree roots, and wildlife, it's their home remember that. If you're playing near water, never be alone, be careful of the rocks the water isn't always deep the further out you go, I'll teach you to swim soon, yeah?" Omor looked up to his little sister with a warm smile as she gave another smile "And don't talk to strangers, if you need help find me or find a group of people but never find someone on their own. Theres some mean people out there that don't want to help but hurt, understood?" As the girl took the second slice of apple and began to munch slowly on the crisp fruit, she gave a blank nod. Clearly these were words their Mama had already said. Omor placed the apple down, and brought his hands to rest between his legs "And remember, always be on the look out for Strigoi." He looked deadly serious at his sister, who finally stopped munching on her apple to look at her brother, a shy cheeky smile growing on her face because a small part of her knew her brother were teasing but another part wasn't too sure about the existence of monsters. Just then, Omor Dracula gave out a snarl, grabbing Dacianias tiny waist, pulling her close and pretended to bite at her but really only rubbed his nose harshly against her with grunting noises of a pig. The girl let out a screech followed by a squeal of laughter, rolling her head away from him to get away from his "bites". Omor stopped with a gentle laugh before giving the girl a tight squeeze of a hug. She returned the notion but only in a hurried sense, wanting to catch up with her friends and play, fleeing the minute she were free. "Be safe!" He finally called as he watched her disappear over the horizon. Omor cut a final slice of apple for himself before throwing the core away from him for either wildlife to finish or to rot into the ground, who knew, maybe the apple seeds would sprout a new tree, that was natures decision. Right now, he had to pick up his axe, saw, and join the other woodcutters at a separate area to where children played. The world were changing, and their small community were growing at a faster rate than they could ever have believed, which means more homes needed to be built, and more space to build upon it.

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