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noun      /ˈkänˌflikt/

a serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one."the eternal conflict between the sexes"

"Kiri honey?" I hear my mom call from behind the door. 

"Yes mom?" I reply. 

"How are you feeling? You've been kind of quiet since yesterday, did something happen at the carnival?" She asks. 

"No...," She pushes the door open and sits down on the bed beside me. 

"Eijirou, I know somethings wrong. Please tell me what happened," I put my head down. 

"Sero likes me," I mumble. "He tried to tell me and I freaked out," 

"You liked Bakugou right?" She asks. 

"I LIKE Bakugou," I correct her. 

"Hon, I know it's hard but you have to accept that Bakugou's dead. You have to move on, it's what he would've wanted," She tells me. I wish I could tell her that Bakugou was still alive. That I'd seen him only days ago. "If Sero likes you, maybe you should try to consider his feeling without bias. If you don't like him that's okay, but don't let Bakugou hold you back or get in your way. I understand if you need more time to think and get used to Bakugou not being around, but don't deny Sero just yet, okay?" She pats my knee. 

"Got it mom," I tell her. "I'll give him a chance," 

"Good, And by the way, what would you like for dinner?" She asks. 

"It doesn't matter to me, anything's fine," 

"All right, I'll whip up something good!" She exclaims, standing up. 

"You always do," I mumble. She gives me a light-hearted smile and leaves the room. I bury my face in my pillow and let out a long sigh. Things could be so much better if I could just tell everyone that Bakugou was alive.

I don't know if it would help with my mom's bias towards Sero though. She had always liked him better; thought he was a nice boy who could take care of me. She thought Bakugou was an irresponsible bad boy who couldn't take care of me, couldn't stay for the long haul. She didn't think he would be there for me. She thought he would love me then leave me. But she's wrong, I know she is. Sero is sweet and all but he's like an older brother to me, I just feel like I could never see him that way. 

On the other hand, if I gave Sero a chance maybe it would distract everyone, keep them off my back while I pursued Katsuki. It's wrong, I shouldn't even be thinking about it. Doing something like that to Sero would be so unfair, but my heart aches for Kat and if I make a mistake and lead the others to him he would have to leave. I might not see him again for a long time and I can't live without him. 

"Eijirou, shower and come down! Dinner will be ready in twenty minutes and your father called ahead and said that we're going to have a guest, so dress nicely!" 

"Yes mom!" I call back down. I stand up and wander over to my bathroom, taking my time. I step into the bathroom and close the door behind me. I shrug off my sweater and pull my shirt up over my head. I unclip my bra and toss it in the general direction of my laundry basket. I miss, no surprise there, I'm a terrible shot. I slide off my shorts and undies and turn on the shower. I unravel my hair from the braids I had put in it earlier and step into the shower. I sigh as the steaming hot water cascades down my body. As I started to wash my hair, my thoughts started to wander. 

How could I fix the whole situation? Maybe I could bring in a third boy, to offset everything. My mother might be pleased and a third party would take attention away from Bakugou. But Sero would be so upset, he has such a major crush on me. I sighed, maybe there is no answer. I rinse my hair a final time and turn off the shower. I step out and wrap a towel around myself. I pick up my brush and brush out my hair, then blow dry it. I smooth it down an sweep it back over my shoulders. I walked out of the bathroom and rummage through my closet for my nice shirts. I pull out my black off the shoulder top and a pair of ripped jeans. I put on some socks and go down stairs. 

"Kiri, honey you look great!" My mom gives me a hug. 

"Thanks mom, who did dad say was coming over for dinner?" I ask. 

"It's a colleague of his from work, he's trying to close deal with him that's going to help his business move forward. If it goes well we might finally be able to move into that new house we've had our eye on for months," 

"So, I'll be on my best behaviour," I tell her. 

"Good thank you, now set the table," She hands me a stack of plates and cutlery. I walk over to the table and lay everything out. 

"I see you brought out the fancy table cloth," I comment. 

"Yeah well, I really want this dinner to go well," I hear the front door open, followed by the sound of laughter from my dad and who I assume is his guest. 

"I'm home!" He yells, walking into the dining room. "This is John, my potential partner," 

"Well it's nice to meet you, I hope you like lamb!" Her mother laughs. 

"Love it, thanks for having me over on such short notice," He smiles. 

"It's no problem at all, Kirishima could you please take our guest to the living room and grab him and drink? I just need to speak to your father for a moment," I nod and motion for him to follow me. I lead him into the living room and invite him to sit down. 

"What can I get you?" I ask. 

"Just a water please," I nod and go back into the kitchen. 

"Hey hon can you pour me a scotch and bring it into the living room for me?" My dad asks. 

"Sure thing," I make the two drinks and bring them into the other room. "Here you go," I hand it to him. 

"Thank you," The dinner goes well, at least I think it does. He laughed a lot. Once he's gone I go back up to my room and flop down on the bed. 

I want to see Katsuki. Tonight.  

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