New Hope: Yoriichi One-Shot Part 3(Last)

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New Hope: Yoriichi One-Shot Part 3(Last)


"Auntie (L/N)?"

"Yes Kosuke-chan?"

"Don't you like my father?"

"Yes I do, I allowed him to marry your mother and he's a pretty respectable man."

You and Kosuke are in your estate's living room as you were teaching him how to read. His father is in the bath, preparing to head out to the city with your son.

"No, not like that Auntie (L/N), like do you like my father enough that you wanted to marry him."

You looked at him, dumbfounded. Wondering why this idea did even occurred to him. "I don't think both of us think of each other that way Kosuke-chan."

Pouting, he continued to scan through the scrolls in front of him. "Well, that's sad to hear. I wanted to have a mother for myself, Rengoku-san's son is saying how his mother is the best. I wanted to say you're better but you're not my mom."

Inside you, you wanted to squeal as to how clueless this boy is of how adorably honest he can be. But also you were conflicted how to feel about that comment. Would you feel bad that he missed the opportunity to feel the affection of his real mother, or be honored that he thinks well of you enough to think of wanting you as his mother?

"Well, that was random, but honestly, me and your father are not in any kind of relationship that could lead to marriage. We just both work together to raise you together."

"Ah!" His head bobbed up. "But I think he likes you! I saw him looking at you with a smile a lot of times when he observes you teaching me stuff!"

"Kosuke....such a pure boy...Come give your Auntie a hug will you?"

"No! I know you'll tickle me instead. You do every time you use that tone."

"Then I'll come at you, ready or not!"

The both of you chased each other on your living room, laugher erupting from the both of you.

"Catch me if you can, Auntie (L/N)!!!"

"Be prepared for tickles when I catch you!"

You continued to chase the boy as he continued to evade you expertly. With this speed and reflex, he'll be ready in no time to be a demon slayer.

But you felt something wrap around your figure, effectively stopping you from moving. "Ack! Who the heck- oh Yoriichi-dono, why did you..." Looking at the arms around your waist and turning your head to your side, you were met with the impassive face of the said man. Your noses almost are touching. You were honestly feeling flustered and flush from that distance.

"I am joining the game."

"What the-"

"Then Auntie (L/N)'s "it"!!! Let's run away from her father!"

"Okay Kosuke."

"H-Hey you two! How did this end up as a game of tag?!" You tried to make an angry face but ended up laughing. Not noticing how Yoriichi tightened his grip on your waist a little, and he looked fondly at you laughing.

It's been so long since he felt his heart tug and beat like this......



"Yes, Yoriichi-dono?" You just came out of Kosuke's room as you lit up some wisteria incense around the room and outside of it.

"Would this be a good time to invite you out to the city? For a meal or a drink?"

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