Chapter 3 The first night

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(Foxy pov)

"It's so lonely in here " I think then in the curtain moved "this is foxy" said the manger . The girl next to him looked sad when she looked at me. I felt something in my gut like I wanted to see her smile and see her laugh . I wonder. This is a weird feeling.

Real time :D
(Y/n pov)

You spin in your chair as fast as you could then stop from dizziness but you fall over any way. RINGGG! the phone blared . You answered and after hearing what the man on the phone said all you could say is " why" in a hushed tone. Then panic set in you checked every cam there and it was 1am and you were at 68% in power you were stressed, but then you notice that Bonnie and Chica are gone you panic . Then you check the cam to the restroom and find Chica there. " but were's Bonnie" you look out the door and scream slamming it shut. He was at your door and now he's dragging on the window. You were scared so you reached in your bag and grabbed your fluffy (f/c) blanket out of your bag then you felt a little safer . So you check the time 5:30am and 20% power left. You check the cam at pirate cove you freeze you see foxy right in the camera starring at you and you were to scared to move. Those eyes were golden like a treasure of golden coins. They are beautiful. You thought in a trance
Yay!!!!! A loud cheer is all you could heard.

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