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Synopsis: (TFA-ish) Bulkhead is a little drunk, and his human buddy (y/n) is looking awfully good tonight. maybe just a tiny taste?  

AN) I haven't written vore in a very long time, and I haven't written Transformers EVER. So I hope I don't mess it up too badly! Anyway, please bear with me. I know it's weird. XD


You tried to stifle a laugh when you walked into the base and saw the state Bulkhead was in. The large green Autobot swayed as he hummed some tuneless song, his face flushed and his servos (and his peds, and a lot of the ground) covered in paint. Several large cans lay precariously nearby, either knocked over or accidentally crushed underfoot. He had his easel out, and some sort of blobby figure filled the canvas. You couldn't believe it. He was painting drunk and it was precious. 

"So this is where you ran off to," you said, gaining the green bots attention. "I was starting to worry when the others told me you'd disappeared from the party." 

Bulkhead turned, his face lighting up like a sky at dawn. The smile dropped from your own face when he lumbered unsteadily towards you and scooped you up into his huge metal hands, smearing you with paint. 

"(Y/N)! There you are! I haven't seen you in f'rever! Where you been li'l buddy?" he slurred, patting your head with his large blunt fingers. 

You chuckled anxiously and tried to push him off. You'd missed the big lug too, but you didn't want to accidentally end up like one of the paint cans.
"I was visiting my cousins out of state! Remember? I told you weeks ago!" Geez, how drunk was he to forget something he'd fretted about for so long? 

Bulk chuckled and poked you in the face. Apparently he had no sense of personal space when overcharged. You'd have to remember that next time. 

"Oh yeah." he said warmly, continuing to poke and pet. "Well 'm glad y'r back! I missed you y'know!"  He snuggled you up to his face, and despite your unease, your heart melted into a gooey mess. He really missed you this much? Aww!

You wriggled enough to get one of your arms free and gave his faceplate an awkward hug. "Aw man, I missed you too Bulk-" you were cut off as without warning an enormous drunken belch let itself loose from the friendly bot.  

"Uuuurp! 'scuse me!" he grunted, knocking a giant metal fist against his chest. You heard the energon in his fuel tank slosh and settle. You reached back and rubbed your ear with your free hand. His mouth was right next to your ear when he went off. Ouch.

"Dang Bulk! You must be stuffed! How many cubes have you got in there?" you asked. The autobot laughed and patted the outside of his tank with his free servo, releasing another series of gurgles and sloshes. 

"Plenty," he said proudly. "But I'm a big guy, I got room for more!"

You chuckled. "I'll bet. But maybe you should ease off a bit next time. It sounds like your tank is a little grumpy with you." 

He grinned widely and snuggled you closer. "Aw the big baby is only grumpy 'cause you're not in it." 

You stiffened in his embrace, confusion and incredulity shooting through you. 'Did.. Did he just say...?' you wondered to yourself.    A nervous laugh escaped your lips. "Hehe, uh, what is that supposed to mean?" Bulkhead continued to rub his giant cheek against your side, like a very happy cat. 

"Y'er so cute, and soft, and you always smell so good! I just wanna eat you up sometimes!" As if to voice it's wholehearted agreement, his tank let out a particularly rambunctious series of churning gurgles.

Oh...No, wait, WHAT?! You began to squirm uncomfortably in his servo. "O-okay w-well, let's not do that," you said, somewhat hysterically. What the hell was happening? What the hell was all this?! He was a giant robot! What would he want to eat a person for? Let alone his friend! 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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