A Night To Remember

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Eric squeezed Gerald's hand as they sat in front of their children. After all this time, butterflies still bounced around in his belly. Their two kids played together on the sofa.

"Now, now, children. Settle down!" Eric ejaculated.

They blatantly ignored their father's orders as they continued to mess around. Mr and Mrs Birling, the youngest, was pulling Sheila Jr's hair. At the same time, Sheila Jr was pinching the toddler. Both of them were screaming.

"Listen to your father, kids." Gerald drawled.

Despite his lazy tones, they reacted. Sheila Jr corrected her posture and paid full attention to Eric. However, her brother remained annoying. He tugged at his black booties and untied the laces, then used them to whip his sister.

"Stop that, Mr and Mrs Birling!" Eric roared, sending spit everywhere.

"Why don't you stop being gay?" He retorted.

Mr and Mrs Birling fell backwards into the sofa, a smug grin on their toddler-face. They tapped the armrest and kicked their feet out.

"Too far, man. But I suppose you can, as England's youngest genderfluid. You're basically untouchable." Eric smiled at his son. "Now then, who wants the story of how your father and I met?"

They yelled a chorus of 'me!' and 'yes!' whilst Eric fixed his posture. He looked around his surroundings. Wooden pillars supported the ceiling, which was at least eighty feet high. The room was somewhere around three miles by six miles long. 

Wrappers, toys and animal carcasses littered the floor. After their chief maid Edna had been arrested for murder, as she beat herself to death out of rage, it had turned into a ruin. Eric sighed in nostalgia, remembering how she used to bathe him when he was a young womb-spawn.

Whilst the house that they inherited from their parents used to be homely, it wasn't now. Cobwebs covered the ceiling, as no one was tall enough to clean it. Rats were an infestation. They crawled under the brown hardwood floor, occasionally scampering and chewing through the pristine victorian-styled walls. 

The white wallpaper had curled downwards, more like a sickly grey in its current state. It was a shame to see his childhood home like this, but he had no choice. After Gerald's multiple misdemeanors for accidents involving kidney-stealing, they had nowhere else to go.

Eric was shaken from his stupor by Gerald, who was dressed in his classic black-and-white tuxedo, topped off by a fedora and bow tie.

"Ah yes, the story. It's a beautiful tale, and I can only hope that one day you will have your own. Preferably not with each other, but it's 1920. The times are changing forevermore, after all."

Eric stretched his hands in front of him, as his blue shirt rolled up along his wrist. It quickly revealed the healed red scar from his old accident while cleaning. He hastily dragged the fabric over the scar to hide it from his children.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08, 2020 ⏰

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Geric (Eric Birling x Gerald Croft) - A Night To RememberWhere stories live. Discover now