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Jasmine pov

I'm getting done with my Louis vuitton photoshoot when I get a text.

I'm getting done with my Louis vuitton photoshoot when I get a text

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I swear he always does this. I change really quickly and hop in my car to get him some lunch. Pulling up to the practice arena I grabbed the chipotle bag out of the passenger seat and made my way to the door. I made sure I flashed my access pass so I wouldn't get stopped by security.

As I was getting closer to the gym I heard the booming voice that belonged to my dad. I snuck behind him and hugged him covering his eyes. "Guess who" I said trying to disguise my voice.

"Hmm lemme guess it's my annoying daughter Jasmine " he laughed at his own joke when he heard me pouting. I uncovered his eyes and he turned around facing me.

"Well your annoying daughter can just take your food elsewhere." I said playfully turning to leave. He ran in front of me taking the bag in his arms protecting it like a child. We both just out laughing.

"So how was the shoot?" He asked by now we were sitting down eating our food. I could hear yelling from the guys playing.

"It was alright I had to step out of my comfort zone a bit when they brought out animals to shoot with us." I told him. He nodded.He left his office to go use the restroom. While he was gone I took the time to look at my Photoshoot pictures.

Before I know it someone busts through the office. "Hey coa-" the guys voice comes to a halt when he sees me instead of my dad. "You are definantely not the coach" he says looking me up and down.

"Yeah I'm his daughter Jasmine" I say making eye contact with him. He replies a quick Zach'I stick my hand out to shake his and he returns the gesture. "He'll be back in a minute I can relay a message." I offer.

He nods "tell him that we need his help with some plays when he's free" I nod making sure I heard what he said. He started walking out when he looked over his shoulder "see you around beautiful"  and with that he left me here blushing like crazy.

My dad comes back in his office. " I saw Zach leave this direction did he need anything?" He asks. I nod trying to hide my smile at the mention of his name.

"Yea he said he needed your help on some plays" I told him. We both decided to cut this lunch date short. As soon as I walked back through the gym I saw Zach stop playing and look at me. He was looking for so long his teammate hit him in the face with the ball snapping him out of his daze. I lightly chuckled making my way to my car.

After taking a much needed bubble bath I put in my favorite face mask and started to binge watch 'Dear white people'. I Decided to post one of the pictures from my photoshoot.


Liked by: Beyonce, NaomiC, TyraB and 859,368 othersJasJordan: I made a new friend today at my LV Photoshoot

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Liked by: Beyonce, NaomiC, TyraB and 859,368 others
JasJordan: I made a new friend today at my LV Photoshoot

ZachL: me or the monkey
       ^JasJordan: 🤔😏
KendallJ: too cute😍😍

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 03, 2020 ⏰

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