Chapter 3

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As the taxi pulls up, Dylan sends me to my room. I go to my room, I will be watching through my window. I see them all huddled around the mystery person so I can't see him/her. Pooh!  I thought I was being smart.  I sit in my room, I try to facetime Beza, no answer. Grant, no answer. Alyssa, no answer. Dylan, he answered. "Can I come out yet?!?!" I kinda yelled at him. "Yes." Dylan says.I hung up and ran down the stairs. But only Dylan was there. "Where is everyone?" I asked "places" Dylan said. "Sit down" Dylan says. "Why?" I say getting frustrated.  "Because I want to talk with you. " Dylan replies with smile on his face. "Okay...." I said trailing off. "As you know the surprise is here." Dylan days. "Of course I know that!" I yell at him "Well.... its also a surprise for him." Dylan says. "Your point is?!?!" I say getting upset. I hate surprises. "Nothing." Dylan says. "What else do you want?" I reply. "Just don't freak out. Promise?" Dylan says. "Why would I freak out?" I questioned.  "Just promise" Dylan says. "I promise" I stated. Dylan and I did our handshake, and he got ip and walked away. "Stay here."Dylan said right before he left the room. "Okay" I said, sitting there waiting. 
>>> 10 minutes later <<<

Dylan comes back into the room, along with Beza. Beza sits next to me,  Dylan hollers back into the kitchen "Okay come out" Alyssa, Grant and Jacob?!?! "Jacob this is my SISTER Alisen, but you can call her Ali." Dylan says. "You have a sister?!?!" Jacob says surprised. "Yeah I doo..." Dylan trails off. "Why haven't y poo u told me?" Jacob questioned. "I don't know..." Dylan trials off again.  "Ohh well. We can talk about it later." Jacob says. I just sit there in shock almost. This was a really big surprise. I know Dylan is embarrassed of me, I don't know why. But I seriously love him for this right now. "Sooo what do you guys wanna do?" Grant asks. "Ypu guys pick you are the guests"Dylan says to Grant, Alyssa, and Jacob. "Lets go get costumes." Alyssa suggests.  "Sounds fun." Jacob says. "Alright let me get my keys." Dylan says "I need to grab a sweater first."I say. "Do you need one Beza?" I asked. "Yeah sure." Beza says following me upstairs. 
》》》 At Draculas Closet《《《

Walking down aisles of costumes. Looking at all of the costumes, there was a full on Gorilla suit. "Hey! Grant! Here is a costume dor you!" Beza says point to the gorilla costume. We all gathered around the costume laughing, looking for Grant's size just to mess with him. We moved on and kept walking. "Hey, Beza lets be PB&J" I say pointing to one of those cute couples costumes. "How about not."Beza says. I made a pouty face looking as if I was about to cry. *sniffles* "ohh don't cry Ali." Jacob says. "But the PB&J" I reply giggling.  "What about it?"Jacob says "ohh nevermind." I say and continue looking. Dylan and Alyssa are walking looking at costumes, laughing with eachother. Same with Grant and Beza. I got lost in the store and I wond up back at the PB&J again, great. You know w hat I am gonna buy it anyways. I grabbed the costumes and headed to Check out. "Hey Jacob, did you find a costume?" I asked walking up to him. "Yeah, I can't find one." Jacob says looking around still. "Wanna be PB&J witj me?" I ask "yeah, that's perfect" Jacob says. "No You're Perfect" I say quoting his first single. "Ha thats a good one, but you're the perfect one here babe" Jacob says. "Ya lyin'" I say walking to check out. "No wait come back!" Jacob says."Back" I say "Good." Jacob replies. "Can we check out now? They all left already, cause we were taking for ever." I ask."I guess." Jacob says. "Kay lets go" I say walking to check out.

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