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I look down at the note that was sent from him. I open it carefully not sure if I should even read what's written.

Dear Monica,

I'm sorry but we are over. To be honest I never even liked you from the start. You're a stupid little bitch. I had everything planned out. I flirted with you and chilled with you almost everyday, then eventually, you fell for me. I kept dating you and had this relationship because i knew you weren't gonna be that easy. But one night I brung you to my house and fucked you , took your precious virginity. Thats all I really wanted. I was gonn let you go easy but I thought that would be boring so I spiced things up a bit. I came into your house with your beloved best friend Azhinae, went into your room and fucked her on your bed. She loves to scream my name yo. But anyway,I knew you were coming, and when you came it was so funny. Your fucking facial expression was the laughs, you got a wide ass mouth, did you know ? I did cause you sucked my dick with it. Ha,Ha! But anyway , I hope you feel worthless and fucked cause baby girl, you just got played.

Love, Nathan

I drop the note as tears started pouring down my cheeks. I was so stupid. I knew from the start he wasn't changed but I ignored it hoping he really did and that he really loved me.. but I was wrong. I stared at myself in the mirror. I am nobody. Just a little bitch with a pathetic past. I'm not strong, I'm not gonna make it, I shouldn't even be alive... I go in the drawer under the counter and take out a razor. I should just go away. It's the best for everybody. No more stress , no more annoying shit, no more Monica. I firmly place the razor to my clear skin and make a tare. Blood drips down to the floor. I make more rips in my arms not even recognizing the pain that's striking in my body. Fuck him. Fuck her. Fuck relationships. Fuck love. Fuck life. Blood is all over the floor. Im crying uncontrollably. My arm is covered in a thick layer of blood. I look down and drop the razor and pick up the note. I re-read the last sentence and pick up the jug of bleach and a handful if pills and throw them down my throat. I start choking and coughing I fall in the tub. I slowly see white and a blurr and slowly fade away....

* Next Morning *

"Monica! Monica! Where are you ?" Your little brother Liandro looked for you to tell you that mommy and daddy were home. "Where could she be ?" He tried to step into the bathroom but your body was pressuring the door close. He grunted and pushed harder. He couldn't manage to get it open. "Mommy ! Something is blocking the door !" Your mother came upstairs where Liandro was at. "Hunn , step aside." Your mother pushed until she heard a crack and caused the door to open. She saw your blood everywhere still some how fresh. She screamed and yelled and sobbed. Your little brother wanted to see but your mother pushed him back. "DEANGELO !" Your dad came running up the stairs at your mothers sake. When he saw your lifeless, pale body he didnt know what to say. He picked up the pills and threw them at the wall. He dropped to the floor and cried uncontrollably. Your mother crawled towards him still sobbing. As for your little brother, he didn't know what was going on, he just thought you was covered in red make up and was practicing to hold your breath under water. Liandro tapped and poked at your shoulder saying "you can come up, you already probably beat the world record with 30 min "...


Your name was all over the halls and rooms of the school. They had a ceremony after lunch talking about your suicide. Everyone blames themselves. You know many did care about you ? Your teachers felt guilty and kept saying , "I was to hard on Monica" or "she really did need help... why didn't i ask her if she was okay ?". Those girls that were talking shit about you everyday and made your life impossible at school, they felt fucked up and started thinking of all the things they said to you wishing that they can take them back. That boy on the bus that kept teasing you and calling you rachett, hates himself because he always knew you were beautiful and never had the balls to tell you that. Your friends, they're feeling bad as well... wondering why they never saw or noticed that you were in a difficult state of emotions. As for your best friend... she doesn't believe it. "It was nothing to end your life over... she should've known he was a bad mother fucker in the first place..." She tries to find excuses leading to your death behind the real one. She gets up from the ceremony and runs out. Going to a hide away, the hide away that you and her used to be in together. She's screaming, shaking, terrified but no tears are gliding down her cheeks.


A few days later its your funeral, the whole town came, everyone you knew. That girl with the bright smile and bubbly personality and the one who was there for them, the shoulder to cry on , was... gone. Lots of people talked about wonderful memories they had with you and how good you were to them. Your little brother is still confused about everyone crying, your mother and father just told him you were sleeping in a fancy bed and was going to be away for a while. It still hurts him, you were his big sister, you were supposed to always be there for him and teach his ways.. Azhinae, she stays strong through the whole service but as soon as they start lowering your your casket into the ground, she loses it. She explodes into tears, spreading her arms to your grave and dropping to floor. " I'M SORRY, I'M SORRY ! THIS IS ALL MY FAULT !" She yells into the air finally accepting the reality.

*2 years later*

The school has a session that everyone, at least once a month, has to talk to a psychologist or counselor. Your teachers ? Either quit their job or set for retired. Those girls that put you through hell ? They have eating disorders now and don't have a social life anymore. That boy that teased you ? He cuts himself now. Your friends ? They have to take pills for bipolar and depression. Your mother and father ? Their marriage fell apart. You daddy became a workaholic to keep his mind off of your death while you mother has gone insane forgetting about her other child. Your brother ? He finally found out and is in jail for murder. He killed Nathan, part of the reason that made you do all this. He still cries in his cell and self harms. He has 10 more years to go... Your best friend ? Well my dear Monic , I have no solution... i should have never done what i did. I knew you were already in depression with all the struggles in your life, family, friends, and school. The only thing that kept your happiness was Nathan and me. And i took that away. I took everything away and now I'm paying for it... I wish we could rewind time... I really do... but dear ole friend we unfortunately cant... so good bye and I'll see you up there waiting for your answer to my apology.. *cough....cough....silence*

Its 5:37 AM and there has been another death. Azhinae Forteleza has hanged herself in her room. She left a letter in her hand indicating the story of her best friend who is also diseased, "Monica Rodriguez"...

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