Day 1: How They Met

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Ughhh my writing is broken...

It was just a normal spring day, right?


I sipped my tea as I lazily scrolled through some of my favorite websites. Usually it was filled with posts, but I've read them all. I might've needed to wait a couple more hours until a new post popped up. But for now, it was empty.

And I was bored.

The café I was sitting in wasn't very full. My favorite kind of time. The kind of time where you could enjoy the soft music and it wouldn't be interrupted by the loud chattering of other people. It would've been perfect if I wasn't so badly hit by writer's block.

As I took another sip of my tea, I heard the doorbell ring and looked up. Once again, I found my eyes locked onto the girl who walked inside.

Her light blue locks of hair framed her soft, beautiful pale blue face. Her eyes were like two pure black pearls, twinkling in the warm café light. I could hear her soft-spoken words as she ordered a mug of hot chocolate.

This always happened whenever she walked in here. I just couldn't take my eyes off her.

If I wasn't such an awkward piece of shit, I would've tried to talk to her.

Staring too much would be considered creepy, so I reluctantly tore my eyes off her and stared back at my laptop. Still nothing interesting. My eyes decided to focus on a bunch of light pink flowers blooming on a tree outside the window, and I zoned out as I imagine myself talking to that girl with those flowers in my hand—

"Excuse me, is this seat taken?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as a gentle voice snapped me into reality. I spun around wildly, only to flush a brilliant red when my gaze landed on the girl, standing right next to me.

Embarrassed, I could only mumble in response as I avoided her gaze. "N-no, it's not..."

"Oh, alright. I hope you don't mind me sitting here," the girl said politely as she pulled back the chair and sat next to me. It wasn't a weird thing, considering this was a bar table and anybody can sit there, but holy shit, I felt awkward.

We both sipped our drinks in silence, but my heart was pounding like it was going to leap out of my chest as I pretended to focus on my laptop screen. I hope she didn't notice the sweat that was forming on my face.

Without warning, the girl spoke to me again and I swear, I thought my heart had leapt into my throat.

"Um... excuse me—"

"Yes?" I blushed and bit my lip. I answered too quickly.

She blinked. Great, now both of us were uncomfortable. "Er... I'm sorry about this rather awkward start, I'm not a very good speaker," she began. Honestly, I'm worse. "But my name is Kinn and I'm the new Caretaker of the Tree of Life, and I need to talk to you about something related to the Tree..."

My jaw almost dropped. This girl was a Caretaker?!

"Would you come with me a-and hear me out? I'll try not to waste your time," she added self-consciously.

I didn't know what the hell was going on, but I was nervous. "I-I mean, sure," I stammered. "I've got nothing else better to do, you won't waste my time."

"Alright," Kinn gave a shy smile that I found extremely adorable. She finished her drink and stood up. Have I mentioned that she was almost a head taller than I am? "What's your name?"

I rubbed the back of my neck nervously. "I-I'm Cyan."

14 Days of Cyan & Kinn (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now