Chapter 1

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Hunter looked around his restaurant satisfied with what he had created. It's been nearly seven years since he's open this particular restaurant. He favored this one out of the others he owned because it was in his hometown. Sweet ol' Texas. He loved this place and was proud to call it home. He was now on the hunt on trying to open another restaurant but for now he was happy with what he did have. Nothing was better than this.
   His eyes drifted to the lone women in the corner of the restaurant. He had noticed her the moment she had entered the doors. Dressed in a black dress. It was simple but elegant at the same time. He had assumed her date was late and that she was just waiting for him to come, but it was now fifteen minutes later and she was still alone. She looked terribly sad.
   She barely looked up from the table she was seated at. Whatever she was thinking about was taking all her joy. He could see it as well as feel it. He was so curious about her. Why the sad face? Why was she alone? Who had hurt her?
   He had to admit that she was far from the usual women that he was attracted to, but something was pulling him to her. Something other than her attraction was drawing him more and more to her. Had him dying to just go talk to her.
"Stare any harder and you're going to burn a hole in her face." Hunter turned to face his friend Terry smiling.
"Why is she here alone?" He asked as if that was bogus. As if a women couldn't dine alone. His friend laughed.
 "I don't know. Why don't you go ask her." Hunter gave him a look as if to say that was a good idea.
"I just might do that." Handing his drink over he made a b line towards the lone woman.
"I didn't mean that literally Hunter!" Terry called after him, but he kept walking and Terry sighed. There goes another one. He thought to himself.
   Hunter was definitely the ladies man. He got any woman he wanted. He was always known as the most eligible bachelor. He was definitely not one to fall in love. Especially after the one woman he did decide to trust with his heart had broke it to pieces. And they said that men were the only ones who cheated. Could have fooled him.
   After finding that his girlfriend had cheated on him he declared himself forever a bachelor. No woman would ever grab his heart just to break it again. He accepted that there was no one out there for him and he was fine with that. Especially with all the women out here in the world. How could you chose one from such a wide variety? There was no one out there that would grab his heart. Not even if he allowed it.

This first chapter is short. I just wanted to introduce my character Hunter first. Give you guys an idea of him. Please enjoy.

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