First Reaction and Years to Hogwarts

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Harry wakes up in a hospital bed. His vision blurs back into focus. He is the first to wake. Shada "sleeps" on the chair.
sleep for Dementor, they are half sleep, they beards and sense everything. They just restoring their energy for like 2 hours before waking up
Shada snaps herself awake with a small smile. Harry starts feeling for his glasses. Shada chuckles before placing the new and improved by master eye healer, round black glasses in his hands. Harry places them immediately over his eyes and the vision snaps back to prefection. He turns to see Hermione and Eve. That's when the memories of last night slap his head. Harry places his hand over his mouth as tears pour off him. "Where am I? Are we in a hospital, Shada? What happened to Albus? Wait if we're in a hospital, services must have been called who's going to take care of us now? Is there anything I should know that I don't?" Harry asks immediate looking worried and chewing his lip. "Don't worry about services. I have adopted all of you. Yes, you are in a hospital. A wizard hospital. I'm going to get you food. I suggest you try talking to Eve and Hermione through your connection of mind. Afterwards I will tell you everything and the damage of those blasted muggles and wizards." Shada says warmly. This is something only dementors do for their children and their kind. The mothering of Shada isn't very surprising but if there was anything to be first to. Then it was dementor mothering a mage child.
(Wizards and Witches are indeed a species called Mages. Mages can become powerful over time based on life and learning experiences. Those supposedly with a harsh life can over time build a powerful raw magic core but that means nothing if you don't know how to use it. Half-Mages are much more powerful than full mages who relay on their cores for everything. At a 11, mages goes through their first inheritance. Features of half's and their cores finishes it's first cycle. Umbridge is indeed a werewolf mage. A moon werewolf to be specific. Most of her adopted children are werewolfes but two are vampires with one being half shadow elf.)
Shada heads out to collect tea, biscuits and breakfast. Harry begins examining himself. He first starts making a lot of noises to his disappointment, he still couldn't hear. The nurse watching over them heads immediately over to watch Harry examine himself. They weren't supposed to move much from bed for the first few weeks but Harry didn't knew that yet. Harry was indeed happy to have his full voice back. He started feeling his legs to only scream. He can't feel his left leg!  Harry soon felt the metal he slowly began sliding the prosthetic out to reveal the craftsmanship of it.

 He can't feel his left leg!  Harry soon felt the metal he slowly began sliding the prosthetic out to reveal the craftsmanship of it

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Harry never thought it would be removed. A lifetime almost and he knew that the most damaged part of his body was his lower part. Ever since Uncle Vermon started when he was 3 on bed punishments. The most damaged was his left leg. Eve always told him if they ever went to a hospital to he has to tell them about the punishments and see they can do anything else before they remove it. She was making illusionary hands sign while she was sewing his left leg back into place. After that Eve was working on a wooden prosthetic for Harry to use when her stitches fail. Her adopted parents and Albus found however. Albus just sent a letter that whispered a dark idea in Vernon's head. He slowly began cutting the leg off. Harry was showered with knowledge how much a freak he would become if he lost his left leg. So the terror added to Vermon slowly cutting it off as Eve sewed it back together everyday terrified him. Yet, now he stares at a metal leg. His eyes shocked, his body shaking, he's whimpering. What's going to happen now? Shada is their new mom. Well guardian. She seems nice but what that is a disguise? What if she's worst than them?
Harry curls up in a ball shaking at this new terrifying fact. The nurse runs over and whispers gently, "Shhh, Shada maybe a dementor but she is a nice guardian. No harm will come to you. Those monsters will be the first people to ever go to Azkaban in a whole new separate tower to rot in. Shhh, it's ok.". Harry slowly falls back asleep but the nurse catches Shada on her way back in with breakfast. "Did Harry have a panic attack? How long do you think he'll sleep for?" Shada says worried looking Harry and the nurse. The nurse had already tuck Harry in after calming him down with Umbridge's help. "At least 20 minutes and yes about his leg." The nurse says softly. Shada nods.
Eve soon wakes up to pitch black. She is silent in her screams. She lifts her hand up and begins blasting the room with Wind. Shocking the nurse and Umbridge. She starts feeling the bed and tubes with wires hooked on her. "Can get the IV off or no?" Eve signs softly. "For one more hour no." The nurse signs immediately. "Is Shada or Umbridge the cat here? Harry told me that Shada adopted us? Can someone please tell me how I'm related to the Dumbledore line of Albus Dumbledore? The one killed Harry's parents?" Eve signs asking but this makes the room go cold. Shada didn't dig too far into their memories out of privacy. "HE DID WHAT!"
Eve patiently let's the women bitter over each other before they sitting and explain the story of the Boy Who Lived. How they were triplets and that no she was only related to Albus through an illegal adoption that handed her the Dumbledore heirship and wealth. Eve was silent but her rage consumed the room. "That swine who should have died. He killed our parents, we figured his disgusting plan out only a year ago with the deaths he did. How we are just tools of war to him?!" Eve signs angerily. "WHAT!" Umbridge yells almost dropping her clipboard. "What does he want to do with you? What has he done?" Shada says in rage and worry. "Why were we send to live with monsters who hated magic? To mold us, to break our innocence, our spirits. So when we went to Hogwarts longing for family who else to turn to but the greatest wizard to live, Albus Dumbledore. Who to teach us how to kill a dark wizard, Lord Voldemort? Who else to claim the defeat of the Dark Lord was done by him after he killed us?" Eve signs looking at the floor. Rage, rage, rage, beg, beg, beg a dementor for forgiveness, scream, scream as you are denied mercy. Shada is going to eventually give a kiss to Albus just out of revenge.
A few years ago, Somewhere in Hogwarts up a sliver ladder.
Professor Trelaweny sits in her chair staring at her crystal ball there were no students except one coming up to return a crystal ball. Nymphadora Tonks or just Tonks. She walks in horror watching her professor's eyes widen like if in a trance. The crystal ball glowing crazy bright. "Chained children. A series of 12 will be free, from the start it was an act of rebelling. True darkness lies in the shadows planing and stirring true war. A chosen one to defeat the supposed darkness is chained by the true. His siblings chained up in this dark war. They will be set free by a love of a creature. Born through the ages, infused with wonders of magic to be locked away to the time if righting wrongs. They will be free. Holder of this foretelling guard it well, help them in any way you can. For they will find out the true darkness young and so will you. They have a mark and so do you. Together shall darkness will fall finally after a long long viscous battle. True darkness beware your days are numbered. And your punishment brews waiting." Trelaweny says in a distorted voice. The crystal ball glows bright burning a mark in Tonks. Tonks at first cries out but then it hits her. This true seer magic and she's the holder of this ball. She examines the mark as Trelaweny faints. She replaces the crystal ball with the thrown out one and puts the light sliver, gold, white glowing one in her bag. She runs off to be stoped by Albus. His twinkling eyes staring at her in a way that she wished she could burn away from her mind. "Please come to my office please." He says in a supposed softly way.
"Nope! Albus, Nymphadora has a detention with me." Minerva says protectively which this act shall be ingrained in Tonks mind forever as Albus pulls out his wand and fires. Tonks screams a blast throwing Albus away. She is grabbed my Mcgongall and dragged straight to her office as a dark secret is reveal. Tonks made up her mind who was dark. Albus. Now how will she protect someone she never met? Harry James Potter from him? Yes! She could become an auror and have a talk with the Minister! Great!
Back to present at Minister's Office
Tonks sits on a chair staring stiffly at a Minister of Magic. Fudge. She is very desperate. "I must ask you a question. If you answer it right then I can you a dark secret. Do you really blindly trust Albus Dumbledore?" Tonks says begging. Fudge is shocked and happy. Finally a bloody auror in training who doesn't trust Albus besides an Alastair Moody! "No, not on my life, not on anything. Especially the Potter triplets." Fudge says.  Tonks remains calm but she is shocked. Triplets! She looks at the floor and pulls out a crystal ball with a journal. She taps her wand on the crystal ball as it plays to the Minister. A few seconds later, the Minister is in a total rage. "He chained 12 innocence children! He lied to the world about the "only survivor of the Potters" when Lily and James Potter had triplets. Harry, Eve and Hermione Potter. He had them abused. That is it! A life sentence in Azkaban if he has life left to feel torture in there!" The Minister yells loudly since no one can hear them. Tonks is shocked and angry. Albus, you're going down like dragons eating you alive. I have 3 cousins through the Potters! Not ONE! YOU HAD THEM BE ABUSED FOR SEVEN YEARS! WHY YOU SON OF A B****!
Then the rest of it hits her. Tears pour off her face. She never met them! She never checked on them! She never! Got to hug and tell it would be alright! "Who adopted them? Can I meet them?" Tonks asks softly. The Minister snaps himself back into composure and serene rage. "A dear friend of mine, Shada Head Dementor of Azkaban. They built an entire separate tower for Albus. Yes you can meet them. I was going to visit them. You can join me and I reared your file. Is it true your mother is disowning you as we speak since you and Remus Lupin got together? All because he's from a noble pure blood Wizarding family and a werewolf one in fact? Also because you are a training to become a auror?" Fudge says softly. Tonks grips her heart and nods with tears pouring down her eyes. She screams a little as the last sting of her family is cut away. She has been disowned.
"That is cruel, and she just finished the process. I here by welcome you into the House of Potter, Black and Fudge. I will arrange that marriage contract I know you and Lupin were desperately fighting for. I also get you a place to stay. I have too many manors. I'll be happy to arrange you and Lupin a manor.  Also that pathetic trainer you have is paid by your mother to train you terribly. I shall have Alastair train you. This prophecy just has to remain a secret between us and the children with their guardians okay? You have acted as the best underground holder of a prophecy to date so I shall return this to you. Also all prophecies to be registered into the Department of Mysteries or be legal must go through a hearing of Albus. I won't allow that to happen." Fudge says softly shocking Tonks to her core. Did he just? He did but why?
"If you are wondering why? I deeply secretly love youngsters and I see apart of that young Fire I had when I was younger in this office. You have no idea how much I missed that now come on. There are children waiting to be visited at Saint Mungo's. I also order you to grab their godfather in the Department of Magical Children Welfare. Who's trying to take over the job of the Hogwarts teacher of Magical Creatures with Hagrid or History of Magic with you." Fudge says excitedly a plan building in his mind. Tonks nods before dashing to grab Remus.
It was just a coincidence that Remus was a pureblood. Turns James and him were managing each other's bank accounts in Gringotts. Remus made his friend's account flourish a 400 times more but James began building the Lupin pureblood family. James was about to surprise him when he was forced into hiding so in the end, Fudge had to surprise Lupin who was mourning his friends and family as the death eaters were rounded up. 
Fudge and Lupin vowed to find the last three potters and protect them from Albus but Albus being Albus liked to make thing complicated so they could see each other face to face.
Fudge begins setting up the portkey to Saint Mungo's with excitement burning in his eyes. Lupin arrives in with Tonks. They were both worried and excited as they traveled to Saint Mungo's.

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