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Zendaya's POV:
"And that's a wrap on today! Great job guys!" our director, Jon Watts, said as we finished the last scene of the day. Everyone cheered and got ready to head back to their homes and trailers to get ready for the week-long break we were going to have. "Guys wait up!" Tom called to me and our friends. My heart started pounding at the sound of his voice. You see, ever since the start of filming the 2nd Spiderman movie, I slowly started having a huge crush on Tom. I guess it was his kindness or his smile or the way he gets excited about the simplest things or-- I was snapped out of my thoughts as he asked, "Wanna stay at my house for the week?" "Yeah of course! I-I mean... Um sure." I replied a little too excitedly. I internally cursed at myself while our other friends agreed. We all went home to pack for the week. Okay, Zendaya. It's not like your going to hang out at your crush's place... You don't even know if he likes you back, he probably only sees you as a best friend, I thought to myself as I packed. A couple of minutes later of stressing out on what to bring I got these notifications on my phone:
Tom😍 has created a new group chat with You, Jacob🤘🏾, Tony and LauraBear
Tom😍 has renamed group chat to Spidey-Squad🕸
Tom😍 to Spidey-Squad🕸: Hey guys, be here by 9 pm tonight

I looked down at my phone and chuckled slightly. Only Tom would make a name that stupid. No matter how much I told myself I didn't, I found it adorable. I looked at the time. It was 8:30. "Oh crap!" I started packing as much as I possibly could as Darnell came into my room. "Jeez Z. Where are you going with all this stuff?" I turned around, startled, and felt a blush creeping onto my cheeks. "I'm going to Tom's house," I said the last part quietly. Darnell has known about my crush on Tom since before I even knew about it. I saw a smile tugging at his lips. "Well be ready soon because I'm driving you there and it takes 25 minutes to get there and I don't want you to be late!" he said as he walked out. "Thanks, Darnell! Your the best!" I called as I finished packing.

Tom's POV:

It was 8:45 pm and I was pacing around the living room. They would arrive at any minute now. "C'mon, calm down mate they're just your friends! It's not like you've never had company here" Harrison said, seeing that I was stressed. "Today it's different," I replied "Zendaya's coming and I don't know how to act! She'll be here for a whole week and I'll be awkward the whole time" The more Z and I hung out the more I got attracted to her. Harrison had caught on quite quickly that I had a crush on Zendaya. When I asked him how he knew he said, and I quote, that it was painfully obvious. That made me a whole new level of insecure around her. "Just be yourself. It's generic advice but it works" he responded as he waited in the doorway for people to come. As he left I heard the doorbell ring as my heart rate sped up. One half of me wanted it to be Zendaya at the door, but the other half of me wanted it to be somebody else, so I could be more prepared. I held my breath as I opened the door. "Hey bro!" Jacob said. I let out my breath as Jacob and I did our signature handshake. "Dude, why are you so nervous?" He said when he came in. "Cause Z's coming!" "Ooh...." He said as he and Haz gave each other knowing looks. A couple of minutes later Zendaya came. Tony and Laura came together not too long after. I showed them their rooms and we all came downstairs. "So what do you guys want to do?" I asked after everyone was settled in. "Oooh let's make a pillow-fort and watch a movie!" Laura suggested. Everyone agreed so we all got our blankets, pillows, lights, some chairs to keep the fort up, my laptop and Z went to make enough popcorn for us. The rest of us started building the pillow fort and it looked like this: 

 The rest of us started building the pillow fort and it looked like this: 

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"What movie should we watch?" I asked the group. "Oh let's binge the Marvel movies!" Jacob responded. I nodded as I looked for the movies on my laptop.  I heard Haz whisper something to the others, but I could only make out a few words,  "Tom and Z" "Seating." What is going on there?! I thought to myself. I brushed it off but when I finally got the movies and Z came back, we looked at them and they had only left two spots side by side by side for me and Zendaya to sit at. It shouldn't have been awkward... but it was since I obviously fancied her. We sat down, put the last blanket on both of us, (The others had taken all of the blankets and left one for us) and started watching the movie. Halfway through, I put my arm around her and held my breath, expecting her to pull away or shake my arm off her shoulders, but to my surprise, she stayed like that and put her head on my shoulder.

~mini time skip~

The end credits rolled in from the last movie and we all decided to go to our rooms and go to bed. The room arrangements were: Z + Laura, Tony + Jacob, and Haz + Me. 

Z's POV (again):  

"So... I saw that you and tom were cuddling," Laura said once we were ready for bed in our room. "Do you like him?" "Shut up... It was just friendly, plus he doesn't like me the same way" I replied. "AHA! So you do?" "...yes," I said. 



"Finally my OTP is coming true!"

"Whatever," I responded. "let's just go to bed"

A/N: So here's the first chapter!  Sorry it was really short but wow, I wasn't motivated to write at all and I didn't have any ideas. I kinda know where I want this story to go now, so I'll try to update more frequently. If you guys have ideas, suggestions, constructive criticism, questions, please comment them! See you next chapter, bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 06, 2020 ⏰

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