Guys make it worse...

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Guys really do make it worse. Now don't get me wrong, I know guys fight with depression too. But I'm a girl so I only know it from a girl's view. Guys really do make it worse for girls with depression. They twist your idea of everything.

They make you so depressed sometimes.  I know you have heard of the quote "Guys have no idea how long something they say , stays in a girl's mind". Guys listen to me....It's true. It's so true that it's sad.  You see depression hates crushes or love.

It hates it so much that it has basically made a sport out of trying to ruin love or crushes.  Which of course makes us (with depression) hate love/crushes too. You see all girls have a little depression in them. At least when it comes to guys. When a guy rejects us, it's like throwing us down a well and expecting us to just crawl out and be fine.

Oh, how we wish it was that easy and sometimes it can be that easy. But if we really like the guy? or We battle with depression everyday? Ha, yeah we are not just going to crawl out and "be fine". Let me explain....when we get rejected... (And again I think all girls have depression somewhat.  But this mostly go for the girls that seriously battle with it. If you know what I mean.)...we sit there , kind of shocked, and think what was I thinking?

Well guess who shows up then?? Depression,  you say?? You would be correct.  Depression comes in like a snake and laughs at us. It calls us stupid and ugly.

You know the routine.  So, of course we're going listen and sit at the bottom of that stupid well, drowning. Now don't get me wrong this will all be happening on the inside. On the outside we will probably look like we just shook it off. If you ever have someone that acts like what's supposed to be happening on the inside.

They're probably doing just that. Acting. No one with actual depression wants everyone to see them depressed.  Now, yes we do have those days where we break a little and someone gets a glimpse at our depression and you know that might be the day you catch them. But to me?

Most people who brag about depression?  They're lying little idiots. But that's just my opinion. You may agree or disagree. But like I was saying...we sit there for who knows how long. It really depends on the guy.

If the guy let's it go, then we'll probably be okay after a day or two (unless we had liked him for a long, long time). But of course there's the guys who don't know how to let it go. You know the ones who tell everyone about it. The ones that after a day or two , you can here people teasing him about it. Oh, yeah we're pretty much stuck there for awhile. 

I'm not even going to estimate how long. It again depends how long he keeps the crap going. As you can tell I have dealt with those guys and I pretty much hate every single one of them. But yes guys always seem to have the key to open the door to our depression. So guys (if any read this) stop.

Stop it all. Be nice. You'll hopefully one day be blessed enough to be able to understand girls and their depression.... 

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