Chapter 3

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Belle: Guys, I'm here! Hello?

Becky: Hey, Aunt Belle. Down here.

Belle: Oh. Hey, little cutie. Is everything ok?

Becky: Not really. Mother been crying for hours now. Do you think you could help.

Belle: Sure. Why do you think I came over?

Becky: Great. Let's go.

In Beep's room

Beep: (Crying) why.

Belle: Sis? Are you alright?

Beep: (Crying) No! I lost the love of my life.

Belle: Who's is it.

Becky: She means Bang. They broke up.

Belle: Oh. I'm so sorry, Beep.

Beep: (Crying) H-He was my first love and he made me happy every time I saw him. And I didn't break up with him he broke up with me.

Belle: It's ok, Beep. Here, Let it all out.

Beep: (Blows)

Belle: See? Feel better?

Beep: (sniffling) Yeah. A little.

Belle: Good. Now come on and give me a hug.

Beep: (sniffling)

Belle: There there.

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