Chapter 1: Up til now

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Sally Hanson had survived...The Lottery. The months she had endured for so long. Two weeks after the begining of September, the Shadow Council held a lottery full of all the names of the student that go to Saskatoon Colegiate (SC). The Shadow Council President would draw the name of the lucky winner who would be friendless and isolated and be the Shadow Councils slave for an entire year. After one year, their lives will be back to normal, back with their friends like they were frozen for a year and then went back to their lives before their names were drawn from The lottery. 

Sal Hanson was the lucky “winner”, for an entire year she struggled and almost lost her sanity, a scapegoat. The retro-whatever was her only escape out of madness. The loud pounding of The Wall Live making the orange rooms little hairs stick out and the deep emptiness her head dived in.

Sal had finished the rest of 10th grade without any bothers from the Shadow Council and had almost made up with Kimmie. Chris, Kimmie’s brother’s incident had scarred in their deep memories forever. No one would’ve thought that Shadows works could break such a mind that had driven Chris so mad that he’d cut his own arms off. In all honesty how could he cut off his other arm off without another hand. Sal wouldn’t crack, she had her own mental therapy, to be lost in her mind and that blue sound that Tauni had helped her find.

Brydan Wallace and Sal’s friendship had stayed strong the rest of the year, with the casual car-crash jokes and their usual mockery. When she needed any luck, a tug on Brydan’s ear was all it took and her worries disappeared. There was still something that held on her mind...

Although her year as the victim of Shadow Council had passed, she still maintained an unclear bond between Willis Cass. Willis now a senior, but Linda Paboni was now the President of the Shadow Council, although he remained as SC Student Council Vice President, still did his usual activities as a “popular and respected” leader and still was in the SC band. This was Willis and Sal’s connection. 

At times he’d go to Sal’s home uninvited, when it did happen he always happened to greet Dusty, (Sal’s older brother who rebeled against the Shadow Council during his highschool years, when Wallis’ brother; Warren, was Shadow’s leader) like he planned for Wallis’ visit and gaurded the door all day with nothing more to do. 

Even though Sal wanted Dusty to grow up and finish University, Dusty continued to stay home and protect his kid sister or as he likes to cal jer “Sal-sis”. Dusty has always had a grudge against Shadow Council. During his highschool years, in year 9, Lizard (Dusty’s best friend up til now) was picked out of the lottery. Even though Shadows Victim was meant to be friendless, Dusty continued to fight back and stay by Lizards side. In year 10 he had gotten to serious trouble for vandalising Shadow Council’s room and pulling serious pranks. Dusty still has a deep sister complex and will always take care of Sal. Sal is now growing up, and she thinks she’s holding Dusty back...

The wind was harsh during winter break, the loud crunch of leaves as someone walked by startled some other. It was a week into vacation and no snow yet, Sal longed for snow.

It was a standard morning, to surprise Sal was actually practicing her clarinent, the sound as beautiful as ever, according to Dusty, Pavvie, Willis and Brydan. This was all thanks to Willis, who’d composed “Inside the question” peice that they both played together.

Sal lied on her bed with deep thoughts of the past year, the “ships” she progressed with Willis and his true face and Brydan’s breakthrough friendship. She soon realised that she had suffered intruging pain and hardships but had not been in a “romantic” relationship.

This was the beggining of her love triangle battle between Brydan, her close friend wheelchaired for life or Willis the who’s part of Shadow and is close to perfect except that wolfish looking face of his, the older boy who taught her true music...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 26, 2012 ⏰

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