Chapter 1(Soulmateverse)

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*Important Info*

Universe: Soulmateverse (Forced Destroyer Verse)

Basic Info: Everyone in the multiverse has a soulmate. It is possible for someone to not have a soulmate mark, but it is extremely rare. Erratum, Null and Void have showed up when Color (This world's Ink) has figured out about why Error destroys. They are in the middle of making a peace treaty.

(I looked it up, and I don't think this has been done yet, so I'll just come up with a ship name and if they have, then whatever)
BloodyRed (Horror×Red)
Deathberry (Blue×Reaper)
HeartConstellations (Hearts×Outer)
Cresh or Fross (Fresh×Cross)
AfterHoney (Geno×Stretch)
ErrKills (Error×Killer)
DustyInkmare (Dust×Nightmare×Color)
DestructiveDreams or PositiveDestruction(Erratum×Dream)

Other Info
Color is actually tall, 6'1
Error is  short, like 4'7

Let's Begin!

Coral looked down in thought. "Hmm, how about soulmateverse? It's a nice place, and there isn't as much danger as the other universes." Destiny nodded, gathering her magic and picturing the multiverse.

'Stay safe, my child.'

Erratum groaned, slowly opening his eyes. ...Wait... he was alive?! How?!

He jumped into the void twice and somehow managed to not die. Null and Void were cuddled into his sides, a blanket covering them. In front of them was a night sky, almost like Outertale.

But, not only did it feel different, but it looked different as well.

'WhErE aM i?' Erratum wondered, pulling up the codes. Apparently he was in the antivoid?

But... the antivoid is pure white? What the hell? There was around as many universes as his old multiverse, but just enough so the balance wasn't tipping.

There was also a peaceful feeling, like a decades long war had finally ended.

"Soulmateverse" was the name of this multiverse. He looked at himself.

His wounds seem to not be bleeding anymore. 'WhAt ThE hElL iS hApPeNiNg?'

Then, a comforting voice spoke to him. "Do not fret my child, you are safe. I have made a plan with an old friend of mine. This world is safe, for now. I will warn you if there is any danger. And, just remember this. You. Are finally. Free." Erratum glanced up at the kind voice, a face full of disbelief and something else he hadn't had in decades. Hope. "PlEaSe KiNd VoIcE, tElL mE yOu ArE nOt LyInG. aRe YoU bEiNg SeRiOuS?" He could almost see their smile. "I am serious my child, it is finally over." Erratum tried to hide his large smile. He gently woke up his children.

"Dada!" "Daddy? Why are you waking us up? And... where are we?" Erratum pat both their heads. "I dOn'T eXaCtLy KnOw WhErE wE aRe, BuT wE aRe SaFe. BuT i NeEdEd To WaKe YoU gUyS uP bEcAuSe We NeEd To FiNd A hOmE."

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