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    The bell rings, and I immediately head to my seat from stacking papers upon papers that needed to be turned in. I walk to my desk and just before the teacher starts lecturing and embarrassing some of the stranglers who were late, content that I wasn't included today. After she's done, each of them filed past my desk, located neatly in the farthest line from the front and center, right next to the door. I keep my head down to my paper, not even daring to make a sound or eye contact with the kids passing. Until one kid slips a folded napkin on my desk.
    "Hey you dropp-" violent hushes erupted from around me before I could finish my sentence. I held up my hands to say "Okay! Okay I get it!". And went back to my work. The napkin still laid folded on my desk.
    It wasn't even ten minutes into the class whenever my curiosity got the best of me. I knew it wasn't really my business to know the contents on the napkin, but I couldn't help it. After all, what's the worst it could be? Slowly I opened up the napkin surprised to see writing at the top with my name on it.
    Huh. So it was for me. I thought to myself
    My eyes continued down until I met the message. And I stopped, my mouth dropped open and my eyes got wide. Confused and worried at the same time.
    "Get out now. While you still can."
    Oh God, oh God, oh God, oh God. I don't even know this kid.
    My breathing started to accelerate as my stomach churned until the inside of me felt like butter sloshing around my organs. I didn't know what to do or how to react, looking up my eyes met with absolutely nothing. No one was looking at me to see if I read the note, no one was watching me, eyes all focused up to the board.
    Why me? This has got to be some prank from someone, to get me to leave the school or leave class or make a scene or embarrass myself. Something to get me in trouble.
    My thoughts came to a halt as a loud banging on the metal door leading to the hallway echoed in the classroom.
    "Celena," my name was called by the teacher, "please open the door and let whoever is being a nuisance to our class inside." I could feel a lecture coming on for whoever was out there, and got up while folding the napkin quickly and shoving in my binder. My hand touched the cold door knob and turned it slightly, when I heard a loud groan from outside the classroom. Without warning another bang, then another, then another, like something was running into the door over, and over again.
    "For God's sake Celena open the door!" Screeched the teacher.
    "But Mrs. Mellowtan I don't think that's a good idea... " I replied. "Oohs" and laughter arose from the class, such immaturity because I'm pretty sure the last time I heard that was when a student took the teachers marker in first grade.
    "Celena if you don't open that door right now, I will come open it for you," She stood not budging, a scowl crossing her face and her eyebrows furrowed.
    I couldn't move, my body was stiff and I stood there, like an idiot, watching Mrs. Mellowtan make her way over to me with long determined strides. I backed away from the door to the other side of the room, kids watching me like I had a label on my forehead stating that I was the poster child for the mentally ill. She opened the door to the hallway, it's loud metal hinges squeaking, she looked outside and found nothing. Not a single soul or being was standing at the door.
    "Whoever it was probably went away to disrupt my class later in the day, thank you Celena," she turned around to face me. I was still pressed against the back wall.
    "I'm... sorry, I thought I heard something," I said sinking into my shoulders.
    "'I'm sorry'? It that all you have to say?" Laughter came from all corners of the classroom, "Celena I thought you were better than th-" She was tackled to the ground. Like a quarterback ran full force at her and jumped. Mrs. Mellowtan tumbled to the ground as a student lay on top of her with hungry eyes and an open mouth. I knew this teen didn't tackle the dinosaur of a teacher she was. Some kids grabbed their phone and took out their cameras, as I just stood in horror. Video cameras started rolling right as the girl who tackled Mrs. Mellow man sat on her and sank her teeth into the back of her neck. Blood sputtered out from the torn muscle shreds. As the girl yanked her head up, pockets of blood exploded all down the sides of her mouth. Exposing the gaping hole in the teachers neck. The girl leaped from the back of the teacher and practically galloped over to a boy in a striped shirt and jeans, leaping mid air the girl clutched his stomach, taking him down easily. Without a second to spare I started running, I didn't even notice I was until I looked back and saw the girls nails digging deep into the boy's stomach I never learned the name of. The door frame blocked my vision, hindering me from seeing the rest.
    I ran as fast as my legs could carry me down the hall, doors passing every second. They say when something traumatic happens it all slows down, like slow motion. But really all I could feel was the speed of everything, the adrenaline pumping through my veins as I made my way down the hall. I fell face first.
    Dammit BREATHE
    I regained my footing as a blood curdling cry let out from down the hall. I whipped around in horror as I watched the insanely fast and strong girl run into a Martha, who was in my art class, so hard she shoved her into the wall. The... thing grabbed the girl's calf like a drum stick and bit into it. But not just once, she continued biting again, and again, and again until she broke the bone and lifted the mangled lower leg still in her mouth. Blood dripped down the sides of her face as she shook her head like a wet dog, splattering blood along the sides of the walls. It glanced at me.
    This is it, you're dead. Start running for God's sake don't leave just standing there.
    But I just stood there, I couldn't help it. I couldn't do anything. When another cry came from the hall, I watched as a short plump girl ran from the hall and broke into a sprint as she saw the creature. I knew long before the girl jumped on her that she was dead, there was no way she would've made it.
    Now's your chance, RUN!
    My footsteps echoed down the what seemed like endless corridor. I darted down the interweaving maze of confusing steps, still wondering what the actual hell just happened. My heaving created a crater in my chest, digging up and down with each breath. When I turned the corner, I met the creature. Sh...
    Not a she, an IT
    It was left unaware at first, digging it's nails into some jocks stomach. It's hands covered in thick, crimson, sticky blood. It's slouched figure that covered the boy's body slinked upward to face me. It looked at me first, baring the teeth that sat in red covered rows. I bolted to the closest room I could find. Anything, ANYTHING that had a door I could shut and hide in. I ran into a classroom and shut the metal door. I pushed my back up against it as I looked at the kids staring at me like I was insane. I looked down at myself, I was breathing like crazy. Heavily breathing. The teacher looked at me as if I was insane.
    "Is everything alright ma'am?" An older teacher asked, his face wrinkled into a frown as he sat back into his chair. I just continued to breath and pressed myself up against the door, sliding down into a sitting position, and ran my fingers through my hair.
    "No," I said coldly, "There's someone, or something out there." Several shocked and confused glances were handed to me from around the room.
    "You're going to have to be more specific, if there was something out there they would've come on the intercom. I'm not too sure what you saw. Are you sober?" He asked with a smirk. Giggles arose from several students, who put their heads on the desk as if they were hiding it well. I marched up to his desk, hot words erupted from my mouth without me knowing in full what I was saying.
    "I am NOT high, I'm NOT drunk, I am completely sober, and there's something out there that's ripping students apart like they're a main course! So I don't know what the hell YOU'RE going to do, but I'm getting out of here!"
    I turned to walk out, and remembered he the creature sitting right outside of the door. WAITING for me to walk out. WANTING me to walk out. I stopped in my tracks.
    Idiot, you IDIOT.
    Whipping around to face the class, I started to glance at any face I knew. Anyone I was friends with, I didn't think anyone I knew had this period. I had practically memorized my friends schedules, until my eyes met with Charly Ramer. Star quarterback of our schools football team.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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