~thirty seven~

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(Five months later)

"Today's  the day we find out the gender" Joey says excitedly as we both get ready.

"I know I can't wait" I say applying some mascara.

"Finally we'll know what this title baby is gonna be" he says touching my belly.

"Yup" I reply. I turn around facing Joey. He has his arms around me.

"Give me a kiss" he says foreign his lips into a kiss.

I give him a kiss.

He smiles.

"Aww what if he Baby has your eyes" I say. "It would be as cute" I add.

"I know cause I'm cute" he says. I roll my eyes playfully.

"Joeyy you know I'm the cutest one here" I tell him. "Your right" he says. He kisses my forehead.

"Ok I'm ready" I tell him. "Ok good cause I was finna tell you you need to hurry tf up" he laughs. "I'm just playing" he says.

He gives me a kiss. "Let's go" he grabs my hand and interlocks our fingers as we go to the car.


We get to the party.

We say hi to everyone then finally it's time to find out the gender.

"Ready?" He asks just before we open the box of balloons that reveals the color.


"One two three"

We open the box and find out it's a girl.

I give Joey a hug and start to cry.

"Were having a baby girl" He shouts.

"I love you" I tell him. "I love you too baby" he gives me a kiss and I smile into it.

(Four months later)

"Joeyyyy" I yell.

"I need to go to the hospital"


We get tot he hospital and I get put into a room.

I'm about to have the baby.

"Are you ready?" He asks.

"Yes" I say in pain.

The doctors get me ready and tell me to push.

The baby comes out.

I look at Joey as a tear slips out of his eyes.

"She's precious" I say. "She's beautiful like you" Joey smiles.

He gives her a small kiss.

I hand her to Joey.

"She's beautiful" He says. "She has my eye and my dimple" he says. "Aww" I say.

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