Chapter One - Fenrir Appears

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~Present Time at U.A High~

Principal Nezu appears to have a letter with a special symbol on it. That symbol appears to resemble that of a Star.

"Oh? This seal, could this be the symbol of the Laitselec family? It's been far too long since I've heard from my dear friend, Rhinish," Principal Nezu said slowly picking up the letter, breaking it's seal, and beginning to read it.

"Dear Principal Nezu,

I'm afraid that the time for me to call upon you has come. It would seem that an organization known as Wolves Bane has begun to target my son, Teransu Laitselec. It seems they're interested in his quirk. We've done our best to avoid them, by constantly being on the move within America. That is why I've sent him to Japan, Along with his transcript and recommendation.

Please, Principal Nezu. Accept my son and protect him within the walls of your academy, train him to be a hero so that he can not only protect himself, but to change the very world we live in, just as All Might has done. Thank you for your time, Nezzy.

From, Rhinish Laitselec, your dearest old friend."

"My my, it would seem that things truly have been getting messy for all of us," Principal Nezu said placing Rhinish's letter down and stepping away from his desk for a moment.

He seemed to take a deep inhale then exhale while walking towards the window and looking out towards the city.

"Teransu Laitselec, U.A would be happy to take on the son of such an important hero. We look forward to see you in person. As principal I offer the best of protection I can give," Principal Nezu said smiling as he continued to look over the city.

(It is unfortunate that the world we live in is beginning to change. And, not in a favorable way. We need to show the world that Heroes are still here to help people. Yes, that will be difficult, but with many noticeable heroes of our current society, and the drive to seek change, I know we can change the world.)

~Teransu's POV~

~Two days later on a plane heading towards Japan.~

As I looked out the window of the airplane with my headphones on, I found that I was quickly approaching Japanese land! It was exciting to know that this stupid plane ride would finally be over.

(For some reason I'm still a bit scared. What if that Villain organization comes all the way to Japan just to get me... And even then, I wonder what they plan to do to me. Mmh, I'm sure if I actually put thought into it, I could figure it out, but that's a lot of work for right now. And, besides, I'll have plenty of time to think about it when I get to U.A High.)

"Attention all passengers, we'll be landing within the next hour." A flight attendant said over the intercom.

"I wonder who I'll met at U.A? More importantly, I wonder what class I'll be placed in," I said lightly underneath my breath. As I did a warm smile began to appear on my face.

(I'm sure I won't have much to worry about. After All, this is U.A we're talking about.)

~Later that day at U.A High~

Principal Nezu is seen talking with room 1-A's Homeroom Teacher, Shota Aizawa.

"You wanted to see me, Principal," Mr. Aizawa asked standing in front of Nezu's deck.

Principal Nezu appears to be sitting at his deck at.

"Ah yes, Mr. Aizawa, a new student will be joining your class very soon. Are you familiar with a young man by the name Teransu Laitselec," The Nezu asked.

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