Chapter 2

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~About an hour later at U.A, Teransu is seen fixing up his dorm.~

~Teransu’s POV~ 

(Well, that was definitely unexpected. I honestly didn't think they'd all be so nice to me so suddenly. I'd initially thought that I'd take a few days. Still, It's all so heartwarming, especially considering the things I've been through.)

As I finished making my bed with my super soft covers decorated with an adorable wolf, I suddenly heard the sound of two casual knocks on my door. 

“One moment,” I said beginning to head towards the door. 

(I wonder who it could be at this hour?) 

Beginning to open the door, I quickly found that Tokoyami was there! I instantly blushed and unconsciously avoided looking him in the eyes.

(Oh geez, what is he doing here?!)

“H-Hey, I walked off earlier without asking for your name. I didn't mean to seem rude or anything. So, please, accept my apologies,” he said quickly bowing in front of me. 

With my heart beginning to race I quickly crouched and lifted his head up to the point of where we were both standing again.

“U-um… I-... Y-you aren't at fault, Tokoyami. L-look, let's just try again. My name is Teransu Laitselec, it's a pleasure to meet you,” I said said trying my best to look him in his surprised eyes. 

For some reason, he seemed to be blushing. But, it definitely wasn't as much as much as me.

(I guess we both suck at introductions.)

He nervously shook my hand and began to speak.

“It’s a pleasure, T-Teransu..,” he said beginning to calm himself. But, for some reason, I also felt the hint of hesitation in his words.

(Hmm? What was that about?) Within seconds we released each other's hands. And awkwardly stood in silence for a moment. It was clear to us both that we wanted to say more to each other but held back.

“S-so,I have to finish up my dorm now. I hope we can talk more tomorrow, Tokoyami,” I said warmly looking away from him with a blush.

“A-Alright, goodnight, Teransu,” he said nervously and beginning to walk away. 

(These feelings… What are they?) Tokoyami said thinking to himself as he continued to walk down the hall looking at his hands.

I merely waved goodbye and headed back into my dorm, where I immediately feel to the floor and exhaled loudly! 

“If that had went on for any longer, I think my chains would have emerged,” I said visibly shaking a bit.

(What the hell is the feeling?) I thought.

~The next morning~

I quickly awoke from my bed hugging my pillow and still half asleep. Looking over at my alarm clock, I quickly realized that it was six in the morning. 

“Huh? Did I actually wake up on time for once? That's kinda shocking,” I said sliding of my bed and stretching in an attempt to wake myself up. 

Soon after, I walked over to my little balcony and opened the curtains allowing for the morning sun's light to enter. 

“I'd better hurry and get all washed up. Ashido, Yaoyorozu, Jiro, and Hagakure said that they we're gonna show me around town today,” I said excitedly grabbing some stuff to get myself all washed up and heading down to the showers.

After about thirty minutes, I had finished and began to get my clothes on for the day. Afterwards, I headed downstairs to the lounge where I found Yaoyorozu and Hagakure waiting.

Boku no Hero Academia: Dance of The Wolf and CrowWhere stories live. Discover now