The Assassin (F)

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 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ••  The Assassin • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •"The deadliest predator is the one you cannot see"

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• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
• The Assassin •
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
"The deadliest predator is the one you cannot see"

Emerson Blair

Goes by the moniker Crimson




Keira Knightley

~FACE-CLAIM~Keira Knightley

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HEIGHT: 5' 6"


Emerson may look sweet and innocent upon first glance, but even that it part of the charade she has built for herself.
Emerson, especially when playing the role of Crimson, is a ruthless and unforgiving person. Regardless of wether she feels remorse, she doesn't show it and many see her as a killing machine more than any sort of human.
She can be quite stubborn, though people rarely ever disagree with her long enough to see the light of day. She used to act with passion and channel her emotions, but that was a long time ago and now she is devoid of any feeling, simply doing as she is told and collecting her pay.

 She used to act with passion and channel her emotions, but that was a long time ago and now she is devoid of any feeling, simply doing as she is told and collecting her pay

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Emerson was kidnapped from her village at the age of seven and traded through multiple bands of thieves as a slave. Eventually, she came into one in which the leader became sort of a father figure to her and molded her into a deadly weapon.
When she was 17, the leader of her company died in a gunfight and the leadership changed hands to his son, a cruel and ruthless leader.
Under his leadership she was forced to manipulate people. No longer did she kill people in the dead of night but was instead made to lead them to their demise slowly and brutally. Eventually it became to much for her and she killed her leader when she had the chance and disbanded the gang.
Now, Crimson is known as an assassin for hire, hard to track and impossible to truly control. She only goes for high profile targets and kills because it is all she knows how to do. She is completely emotionless for fear that her feelings will consume her and no longer shows any regret for her actions.
Emerson is the best in the business and knows how to disappear after a killing, never to be seen again. Most of her money goes into and offshore account or a charity, as if that makes up for her actions. That being said, from her point of view, she only kills bad people. Crimson will only manipulate those who manipulate, steal from those who steal, and murder those who murder.

~STRENGTHS~• Physically agile • Acting• Manipulating• Very Charismatic• Incredibly attractive • Excellent knife skills • Decent hand to hand combat• Lying

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• Physically agile
• Acting
• Manipulating
• Very Charismatic
• Incredibly attractive
• Excellent knife skills
• Decent hand to hand combat
• Lying

• Not strong when it comes to brute force
• Does not like using guns
• Hates abusers, they make her emotional
• Honesty
• Restraining herself

Was molested as a child (not nearly as fun of a fact)
• Loves chocolate
• Enjoys American football
• Rarely speaks
• Not very social
• Never failed a mission
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Scenario 1:
You are a prominent gang leader and Emerson's next target. She spots you in a bar and approaches you acting drunk to lure you into a more secluded location.

Scenario 2:
You intend to hire Crimson for a high profile assassination and arrange a meeting in a place of your choosing. You are surprised to find that she is a young girl.

Scenario 3:
You are Emerson's target and she corners you in an alley, about to slit your throat when you surprise her by reacting incredibly quickly and fighting back, something that has never happened to her before.

Scenario 4:
You are super perceptive and aware of a girl following you home one day. You know people want you dead and have heard of Crimson before.

Scenario 5:
You see Emerson being pushed up against an alley wall by a large man. She is clearly resisting but for once is no match for someone when it comes to brute strength.

Scenario 6:
You are the target of many people who have sent assassin after assassin after you over the course of the last several years. You have killed every one they have sent and know the infamous Crimson will likely be next and you have lain a trap for her when she does. One night she shows up.

Scenario 7:
Emerson is superior when it comes to the human race and has trained for years to be better than the best of them. Unfortunately, you are not human and because of this, you have a distinct advantage over her. When she goes to kill you, you manage to force her into a vulnerable position despite her best attempts.

Scenario 8:
Create your own!

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