Side; Inservice

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Sides are parts of the stories that lead up to or unscramble the next chapter. These will often answer questions and act as a break from the main story. These will be posted now-and-again and most likely after an even numbered chapter(prologue counts as chapter 1). You can refer to sides as .5's, for example, this is 2.5 and the next .5 is 4.5(I think, could be wrong). Now that I have explained sides, please enjoy this side. I will put any sidenotes in future in italics(meaning they are not at all apart of the story and are just notes for you, the reader, to read).

The class was quiet, startled, the boy came to a stop. He thought for a moment before snapping his finger whilst grinning, "Today's a day off!" His arms spread wide.

She wasn't sure what she was expecting, but it certainly was not Toby. Eleanor Hope had just came in to prepare for tomorrow's lesson, only to find Toby in her classroom. "Oh, Mr. Kittorza. To what do I owe the pleasure?" She asks with a smile, walking over to her desk and putting down her papers, the boy shrugs, he hardly ever seems fazed by anything. Eleanor admired that of him.
"I forgot school wasn't in session and had no where else to go." He says casually and Miss. Hope nods.
"Well, I came for the latter as well. That and I have work to process and, of course, a plan for what we are doing tomorrow." She replies with a giggle. Toby makes a hum noise to signify that he heard her.

If Miss. Hope were to be honest with herself, she was highly disappointed in her class. At the current moment she had only found one ship, Scarlet and Pao, the hall monitors. No one else really seemed shipping material. Kitty seemed to be royalty with an orb that MUST be something, Miss. Hope hadn't figured that one out yet. Toby seemed to be some sort of demi-human above being a cat, he had a very strong power about him and she wonders if he knows that himself. Pao was a powerful gang leader and a great hall monitor, she has gotten out of having to deal with situations in the hall because of him a lot, she was grateful to have him as an ally. Scarlet was just lazy, creative, but lazy, as it turns out she was kicked from cheerleading club because she broke her foot last year and the club 'didn't want a cripple', Scarlet holds no poison against them, however, and that has Miss. Hope being rather proud of Scarlet. Emmy and Lee had a lot to work on, they seem creative but they both don't really use it, she wonders if there is a way to change this detail in the future. Julian might be the only person doing absolutely everything she asks, however, even the strange things, she thinks he believes she is a goddess, but truly she is just human! She needs to talk with that man and get that straightened out. Hala and Logan... She has started on the wrong foot with them. Hala outright hates her currently, albeit a little scared, and Logan trusts his leaders daughters instincts, she'll need to ease them some how, but she'll think on that later. Julian is more similar to Adam, whom she had no words for yet, and Toby, he is hardly fazed and seems to know what is going on at all times, or rather, he is prepared for worse... There always seemed to be another presence when in the classroom with everyone, and she can't help but think-

"Hey, Eleanor?" Toby's voice breaks her thoughts and she looks up with a hum to tell him to continue, he's not looking at her, however, he's looking at the mid-sun. "Do you... Think that I deserve to be in this class?" The question comes as a surprise to her, does he think he's too cool for this class or- "No, I don't think I'm the bees knees." He's looking at her now, and he seems to have read her mind because, question answered. She hummed in thought.
"I don't see why not? You seem to get along with the people here, and, on top of that, you sure seem to have a lot of hope and potential... Personally, I believe you are one of the better students in this class, professionally, I believe your work as of yet is very well done, could be better, but could be a hell of a lot worse." She says with a small, warm smile, "What does it matter what I think, anyways?" She asks him with a quirked eyebrow. Toby shakes his head and leans back in his chair, head resting against arms that are folded behind him.
"I suppose it doesn't." He hums, "But you seem decent. Decent enough for me to start caring about school, the class projects are coming up and I would, personally, not like to fail you... Something tells me to trust you." He tells her, eyes closed and smile relaxed. .. He truly was something else, oozing with chill and radiating with power.
"I see. We will have to discuss that then... How long do we have?" She asks him, diary out and open to start jotting ideas down.
"Five weeks, that's twenty one days, meaning twenty one hours to figure out what we are doing." He says as she clicks the pen closed and hums. He had already came up with three ideas, but he knows they won't ve popular.
"I'll ask for your ideas tomorrow in class with the rest, I don't want to be rude to them..." She tells Toby, her mind thinking of ideas instead of actually speaking to him. He nods despite her not looking and stands, grabbing his bag and jacket.
"I'll be off, then, it was a pleasure talking, Eleanor." He says as he starts to leave.
"Oh, yes, thank you, Toby. Enjoy the rest of your day." She smiles at him as he leaves, he nods and replies with a you too.

Twenty one hours to come up with an idea, find the problems, jot down the solution, create said solution, trial run it, correct any mistakes, create the final thing and add finishing touches... That wasn't even a full day, why was she hearing this from one of her students?


"Why did I hear of this event from my student?" She asks, voice guarded and sounding betrayed.
"We didn't think your class was up to it, it's smaller than most and you only just started teaching." The headmaster told her calmly, as though this was an every day occurrence and he didn't just insult her.
"Believe me when I say this, sir, you will eat those words. My class WILL make the best project, just you wait and see." She smirks at him and leaves, not caring what else he has to say. She makes her way back to her classroom and begins to fill out paper work again.

"Eleanor Hope, I swear to you, I will do everything in my power to make sure your class fails. You will regret your word choice immensely."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2020 ⏰

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