Hitting The Lottery

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Things would always go well until he entered the room. Junmyeon was known for always having a stoic expression on his face. Walking into the room, the first person he made eye contact with was Xiumin, his right hand man. "How's everything going?" He'd asked. "So far so good, I'll get back to you when everything gets completed". He said. Suho's hand was placed on the oldest's shoulder. "Good". He would walk back and forth between the two sets of tables on the sides of the room, inspecting everyone else's work.

A few hours later, Jumnyeon sat in a two armed chair with golden decor around its head and arms, making him look like a king. He was dressed as a king as well. He then said something that everyone was going to look for as soon as he'd said it. "Find me a lady who shares in my mentality, but is pretty". The other's fingers were immediately sent into overdrive, typing as Jumnyeon's words left his mouth. The first one to find someone was Jongin. Suho got up from his chair and walked up behind the younger's swivel chair. "Try again little one, but good work". He said. Jumnyeon continues walking; slowly stepping up to each one of the boys' chairs. He stopped when Xiumin shows him whom he had found. "She's the one, bring her to me". He demanded. The older tracks you down at your house but sees your parents are home. Sehun looks up at his hyung and asked, "Can you easily convince her parents?" Suho chuckled. "Of course I can, she will be here by tomorrow morning, trust me". There was a pause before he'd spoken again. "You all may go now, I'll take care of the rest". The others got up from their chairs and tided up before they'd left Jumnyeon alone. He took control of Xiumin's computer and looked into your background. "You will be mine, whether you want to be or not". Shutting down the computer, he evilly laughs before leaving the warehouse.

The next morning, Suho continued to track her down as the warehouse was empty for the most part, and called Xiumin to execute the plan he'd been coming up with. He explained it fully to him and they both were off to see his plan to action. The two traveled to her home first, mainly to convince the your parents.They let the two in, not aware of their true intentions. Hours of negotiations and mild threatening later, your parents were obligated to let you leave under false pretenses. Taking you back to the warehouse, you're immediately met with the voice of the maknae Sehun. "She's really pretty hyung". He told Suho. You walk hand in hand with one of the most feared men in all of Seoul and are now happy to be his leading lady.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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