|•𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 3•|

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3 days later

"Be careful walking home!" I yell out to one of the employees, Jackson.

"Yeah, you too!" He yells back before going out the back door, which closed with a boisterous slam.

I lifted my arms in the air, stretching. Small pops could be heard, making me sigh in satisfaction.

Time to close up.

As I start to close up, my mind goes to the little list that I do to close up; First, I made sure to lock the back door. Second, I cleaned up around the cafe bit. Then, I made sure everything in the kitchen was turned off, cuz I don't want my cafe to be called 'burning sweets'.

Then finally, lock the door and leave.

After doing all of that and finishing, I walked to the back and went to the only employee's room, to grab my stuff.

I took off my apron before taking my jacket out of the small little cubby and placing the apron in. I put my jacket on, zipping it up.

I made sure that I had my phone and wallet on me before leaving.

I walked out of the employee's room closing the door behind me before turned off the lights and walking out the front door.

Immediately the chilly air greeted me, sending shivers down my spine.

I hastily went to my pockets for the keys, so I could lock the door.

Once I did I placed the key back in my side pocket, I immediately put my hands in my jacket. Shielding my hands from the wind that chilled my hands.

I bet as I walked, my face and ears probably got redder, as I had nothing to protect them.

I sighed softly, I looked around the dark streets, looking around the houses and building that towered over me. As I walked, only a few street lights lit up the areas around me, making it easy for me to see.

The streets were there quietest at night, only a few were out at this time, but other than that it was silent, as if it was a ghost town.

I had never had a problem going home,  I'm lucky that the house isn't that far from the cafe.

I don't know what I would do if it was.

After about five minutes of walking, I made it home. I unlocked it before entering, quickly closing the door shut, locking it again.

I hummed softly, as I could feel the warmth of the house start to wrap around me. "I'm home," I called, as I took off my shoes, before walking to my room. "I'm in the kitchen!" I heard Taehyung yell back.

I unzip my jacket, laying it on my bed before walking to the kitchen.

"You hungry?" I ask him, as I walk up to him. "Yeah." He replies.

"Well, what do you want me to make?" I ask the younger, but Taehyung only shakes his head. "No it's fine, you don't have to make me anything. I'm not really that hungry." He says, looking over at me.

"Oh ok, what were you gonna make then?" I look at him, leaning on the counter, curious.

"Just some instant ramen." He says simply.

"Can I have some too?" The younger nods, "sure I'll make you some." Taehyung says before getting out some instant ramen for the two of us.

After eating, we sat down on the couch staying up together for a bit, watching a movie.

"Hyung?" I hum softly, encouraging the younger to continue. "Are you doing anything for your birthday tomorrow?"

I looked over at Taehyung shrugging, "I mean, Hobi wanted to go out but I'm not sure about that. But, did you want to do something?"

"Well, if you and hobi are doing something then in the morning I want to bake a cake with you and I also got you a gift the other day as well so.."

"You didn't have too," I tell the younger, a smile on my face.

"I wanted to though." He says, smiling back. "But, are you and hobi gonna go out in the afternoon then?" Taehyung's ask, I shrug again. "I guess, but I don't know if I want to go."


"One, it would be late. Two, I would probably have to handle a drunk Hoseok. And third, my heat." Taehyung eyes widen for a second, his mouth make an o shape. "I forgot about your heat."

"Must suck to have your heat around your birthday huh?" I sigh, "yes, yes it does. But, what can I do I suppose."

"But, what do you think? Should I go?" Taehyung looked down and thought for a moment, "I'm not sure? I mean have you never had your heat start on your birthday?" I shake my head.

Taehyung sighs, "I'm not sure hyung, I mean you might be good and Hobi hyung will be their so.." I sigh again, "yeah, I'll just have to think it over." Taehyung nods.

"I think I'll go to bed, and you should too soon," I say, getting up and off the couch.

"Ok, night " Taehyung mumbles.

"Night," I say, before going to my bedroom, closing the door once I was in.

I stared at nothing for a moment, before my eyes darted to my clothes. Walking over I went and grabbed my pajamas.

I changed into my PJ's before jumping into my bed, the mattress pulling me in as I began to lay.

Another sigh left my lips as I laid there.

Should I go? I asked my self. My mind kept bringing me to that question, but I wasn't sure what to do.

I don't know how long I though for or how long it took me to make a decision.

But I did.

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Double update like I promised.😪💜

I hope you liked it, sorry for any mistakes, it was late and I was tired.

See you soon, love you lovelies~,💜

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