2. Fight & Introduction

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Aiden puts on his mask and charges forward and fires a couple shots at the creature. It explodes into dust and the woman jumps off to punch Aiden. He evades her punches and he tries to hit her with his baton.

???: "You think this weak, little stick will shatter me? Heh. Humans do lack knowledge. About gems."

Aiden: "Once I'm done with you the gem on your nose will be a keychain for my bike keys."

He hits her with the baton once more and it was an effective hit. He aims his pistol at her and the tall woman blocks it with her arm.

???(thoughts): "That cannon the human possesses seems to be effective; I might fail. But I still have to fight."

She grabs Aiden's arm and punches him. He gets knocked to the ground and he drops his baton and his pistol. The buff woman grabs Aiden's stuff.

???: "You'll never see the next day weakling organic."

She saw how Aiden used the pistol. Therefore, she aims it at Aiden. However, before she took the shot, a massive magenta gauntlet punched her on the cheek. It was from a woman with Magenta skin, mirrored visors and cube hair. Following behind her, was a slim woman with pale skin, pointy nose and pointy peach hair and another one with plump lips, purple skin and white messy hair.

???(Magenta): "Pearl! Protect that man!"

???(Pale): "I'm on it Garnet!"

???(Orange): "You Crystal Gems don't know when to give up! I'll make sure you do."


Aiden quickly got up and grabbed his pistol and shot the woman.

Aiden: "Not today."

The tall woman explodes in a cloud of dust and there was an orange gemstone on the ground. Aiden takes his mask off and looks around confused.

Aiden: "What? Where did she go?"

???(Magenta): "That gemstone is her. Her physical form's been damaged, therefore she returned into her gemstone in order to regenerate . And you shouldn't be here; you're trespassing."

Aiden: "Am I? I helped you. Shouldn't you be thankful?"

???(Purple): "Yeah Garnet, without his help, Jasper could've shattered us all."

The small woman summons some sort of bubble and the gemstone was inside it. Then, it vanishes from a tap on the top of it.

Aiden: "Where did it go?"

???(Pale): "It's nothing to worry about. You should move along now, this isn't your property so, bye, bye."

Aiden: "Hold the phone. Did you not hear me? I helped you all. You should say thanks."

The magenta woman adjusts her visors. She then gasped suddenly.

Aiden: "Is everything alright?"

???(Magenta): "This man can help us; I saw that Homeworld's coming in a week. Therefore, this man can help us."

Aiden: "Very well then. I'm addicted to stopping threats. That's what I did back in Chicago, stop crime."

???(Purple): "So, you're like a superhero? Wow. That explains the long coat. Isn't it too hot in that thing?"

Aiden: "No it's fine. Besides, who are you all. Anyway?"

Garnet: "We're the Crystal Gems. I'm Garnet, that's Amethyst, that's Pearl, and Steven's in that house."

Aiden: "Steven? He must be that kid I saw earlier. I stumbled across this place because I've never seen an archeological site like this."

Garnet: "I see. Well, what's your name?"

Aiden: "I'm Aiden Pearce, The Fox or the Vigilante."

Pearl: "Well you don't look like a fox?"

Aiden: "It's a nickname."

Pearl: "I see."

The group entered the house and there was a young boy who was eating cereal.

Aiden: "So, you're Steven."

The young boy turns around and he gasped.

Steven: "Ah! Who are you?"

Aiden: "Aiden Pearce. I just met your...guardians? Mothers?"

Pearl: "We're like his mother in a way. His mother actually passed away when she gave birth to him."

Aiden: "Passed away? I'm sorry for your loss."

Steven: "All what's left of her is this."

He shows Aiden Rose's gemstone.

Aiden: "Does everyone here have a gemstone? Which reminds me. You're all not human beings are you?"

Pearl: "We're gems. We're technically aliens from a distant galaxy."

Aiden: "Interesting...Why are you all here?"

Pearl: "Seeking refuge from Homeworld. They despise all organic life. Therefore they call them lower life forms. They plan to colonise planets one by one."

Aiden: "So...we're fighting them?"

Pearl: "Yes. Oh and by the way. Steven's a hybrid."

Aiden looks back to Steven.

Aiden: "Does he have a-

Garnet: "Father? Yes, he's alright."

Aiden: "Very well then."

To be continued...

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