Chapter 10: Shapeshifter

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Emillie ran a hand through her hair, feeling like she couldn't breathe. The two girls had previously ran into a bit of a problem with a shapeshifter. They were simply running an errand and came back to Emillie's body holding a gun to Lindsey's brothers head. Even though they 'saved the day' the shapeshifter got away.

Emillie had woken up to an empty house and couldn't find Lindsey anywhere. Even her beloved truck was still parked in the gravel driveway.

She was panicking to say the least, she had torn the place apart looking for any sign on where her best friend could have gone. She finally caved in and grabbed her phone off the table. She stared at Sam's number, breathing heavily. She slammed her eyes shut, pressing a button and putting the phone up to her ear.

She walked around the room anxiously, wanting nothing more than to find her best friend. When the ringing stopped and she heard him breathing through the phone she froze. "Sam?" Her voice broke slightly, causing Dean ,who had answered Sams phone, to raise an eyebrow. "Uh..No?" Her breathing hitched.


"Yeah, Dean." He replied, almost seeming annoyed. "Look, I'm sorry I know what time it is," She didn't. Emillie whipped her head around, looking at the microwave that read 4:15. "Oh, I am sorry.." She muttered before coughing, and panic began to sink in once again. She let out a shaky breath and began explaining herself.

"So..uh..Lindsey's gone..And I know what took her..I just..uh..don't know how to get her back.." Her eyes watered slightly as she was hoping—praying, that Lindsey was ok. "She's just gone? Well..what took her?" Emillie heard the rustling of sheets over the phone after dean spoke. She had woken him up most likely.

"A..uh.. Shapeshifter," She let out another shaky breath. "Dean please tell me you know a thing or two about these damn things because..because all I know is silver kills 'em.." Dean could hear the fear in her voice, and he knew that she was desperate. "Dean?"

Dean only hummed in response, earning a slight noise of relief. "Dean..I know this might be weird but I..I..uhh.. need your help here...and—"

"We'll be there in an hour-" Dean hung up, shaking his brother awake, while the female brunette dropped her phone and sat on her bed, not knowing what to do. Dean felt weird about immediately agreeing to help her, but something in him told him to.

Emillie sighed in relief. She didn't expect him to say that, knowing that she hadn't talked to or seen them in two months. Letting out a shaky breath, she prayed silently for her best friend to be ok.

"Since when do you want to help these girls?" Sam asked his brother as they sped down the road in Deans beloved impala. Dean glared at his younger brother, while Sam smirked. "Oh come on Dean, this isn't like you! What's different about her? About them?" Sam nudged his brothers leg slightly.

Dean just rolled his eyes.

"I'm not giving up, Dean!" Sam sang, leaning back in his seat. And Sam kept his promise. 30 minutes had passed and the taller man wouldn't let it go. "Come on De—"

"Look Sammy! Emillie's like you, ok? And I'm not..I'm not just going to let her suffer even more than she already is.. She's confused and scared out of her mind and doesn't need to lose we're gonna help them," Dean paused, and smiled slightly. "Then they'll owe us free food!" Sam smiled at his brothers sudden care in the two not-so-strangers.

"Are you sure—"

"Sam, If you say one. More. Word.." Dean glared at his younger brother intensely, shutting the taller man up. Sam snickered as Dean turned up the volume of the song that was playing, drowning out Sams questions.

Sams phone started ringing again, Emillie's number popping up on the screen. Sam glanced at Dean before answering.

"Emillie?" Dean gave Sam an is-she-ok look while Sam shrugged. Sams eyebrows furrowed gearing the hazel-eyed girls staggered breathing. "Sam." She spoke, and Sam could've sworn she sounded disappointed. "Yeah," He paused, smirking slightly.

"If you wanna talk to dean he's right—ow!" Dean pulled his fist back, glaring at Sam. "Sam? You ok?" Emillie asked, running a hand through her hair. Sam just mumbled a quiet 'yes'.

"You ok?" Sam asked, pulling himself up in his seat. "Yeah..I mean..sort of.." She trailed off, letting out a shaky breath. Sam opened his mouth to say where they were when she spoke again. "You guys almost here?" She asked. Sam could tell she didn't want to ask. She didn't even know if they were going to show up , but she hoped they would.

"Yeah we're about 30 minutes out." Sam heard a sigh of relief and he smiled to himself. "Oh..Ok..Good.." Sam heard her sniffle slightly, and frowned. "Hey—"

"I'm fine Sam. Just..Just get here..ok? I can't.." She inhaled sharply. "Just get here.." Sam looked down at the phone.

"What's wrong?" Dean asked, looking at the phone then up to Sam. The younger man shrugged, setting his phone on the seat. "She seemed a little panicked," Dean nodded. "But who wouldn't be." Sam looked at Dean who had his eyes on the road.

"I just hope she—They're ok.." Dean stuttered. He scrunched up his face, and waited for his little brothers teasing, But Sam just smiled to himself as they continued down the road.


The two boys pulled into the gravel driveway, finding Emillie outside with two dogs. Sam knew who the two dogs were based off of Lindsey's description. The two dogs ran up to the boys as they exited the impala.

Sam leaned down to pet them while Dean made his way towards Emillie. "Hey.."She mumbled, smiling slightly, looking down at her 'babies' licking Sam to death. "Hey." Dean gave her a small smile.

"I'm sorry for dragging you guys out here.." He noticed her arms were covered in tiny little divots which he assumed were made by her nails. His eyebrows furrowed together before he returned his attention to her words. "Hey, We said call us if you need anything," He paused as Emillie visibly relaxed.

"So, wheres the closest entrance to the sewers?" Dean asked, Nonchalantly. Emillie blinked twice before realizing he was being serious. "Uh..we might need a map.." She paused, looking Dean in the eye. "But we really need to hurry..Because I don't know how long she can stand being in the same room as that thing.." As soon as the words fell from Emillie's mouth with caution, he knew there was more to the story.

He didn't want to press, So the three of them headed towards the guest house where Lindsey and Emillie had been staying. Emillie pulled the screen door open, walking inside. The two boys noticed the random items that had been thrown about, assuming that Emillie had done it, or Lindsey.

Emillie went straight to a closet, pulling a map of their little town out and putting it on the table. Dean looked over the map, not knowing where to go from where they were, but as Emillie rolled up the map he assumed she knew where to go. "Follow me, boys.." She sighed, grabbing her coat, and heading for the truck. The boys headed for the impala. "You sure you don't wanna ride in the truck bed?" Emillie smirked, slightly.

"Ya know, get the whole southern feel?" Dean rolled his eyes. "I'm good with Baby," He paused, smiling. "But, When we get Lindsey maybe you could give us a ride?" She just nodded, climbing into the truck and heading towards town, hoping that her best friend was ok.

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