make this place your home

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t's been a week since Tadashi died and you still couldn't go back to....the place....."hey, they said if you don't go back they are gonna kick you out" GoGo said sitting by you. "I can't......not with Hiro there and not with Tadashi not there......"she hugged you and sighed. "The funeral is today come with us. Aunt Cass could use her favorite nerds could Hiro....." GoGo told you. She was right aunt Cass and....Hiro will need some support. "I.....I promised that dweeb I'd sing at his funeral....but I won't.....singing was our secret little thing we'd have.......karaoke parties he'd dance I'd sing it was when I had my first......." You couldn't finish. Talking about him is just to painful. "Kiss.......?" GoGo asked and you nodded. "It was an accident he fell while doing some" you laughed slightly. "Goofy little karate move" you never understood why he was into such things but you didn't care. "Please......" Aunt Cass said standing by the door. "I'm so sorry.." You said and hugged her. "Me too....." She sniffled. "You really going in your PJ's?" She asked and you both laughed. You got on a black dress and went to the funeral. "Would anyone like to say anything?" Hiro asked and you raised your hand. "Okay....((Y/N))....." Hiro stepped down and you slowly walked up. "Tadashi was the most.......crazy guy I knew. I never met someone who could do ballet better than me" you heard some soft laughs. "Tadashi and I were......the best of friends he took me in when I was

.......was on the streets, he gave me a home, cared for me......I'm gonna miss him....allot.....but we all need to remember that he's never really gone as long as we remember him....he's always gonna be right here" you put your hand on your heart and a man walked up to you. "Now a song from ((Y/N))" he backed away as the music began.

It's been seven whole days, seven whole days

Since you paralyzed me.

Seven whole days, seven whole days

Since you lost your fight.

And I can't get the last words that you said,

Can't get those words out of my head.

Seven whole days, seven whole days

And four words.

And I can't get away from the burning pain,

I lie awake.

And the fallen hero haunts my thoughts,

How could you leave me this way?


It's been seven whole days

Without your embrace.

I want to see your face,

I got some things to say.

Was just a week ago,

You said, "I love you girl."

I said, "I love you more."

Then a breath, a pause, you said,

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

It's been seven whole days, seven whole days

Since I heard the phone ring.

Seven whole days, seven whole days

Since I heard your voice.

And I can't get the last words that you say,

Can't get those words out of my head.

It's been seven whole days, seven whole days

Of pure hurt.

And I can't get away from the burning pain,

I lie awake.

And the fallen hero haunts my thoughts,

How could you leave me this way?


It's been seven whole days

Without your embrace.

I want to see your face,

I got some things to say.

Was just a week ago,

You said, "I love you girl."

I said, "I love you more."

Then a breath, a pause, you said,

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

I can't believe it's true,

I keep looking for you,

I check my phone and wait

To hear from you.

In the crowded room

The joker is so cruel.

And now I'll never know,

If all I've been told

Is just a lie so bold,

I thought we would grow old.

Mirrors in the smoke

Left me here to choke.


It's been seven whole days

Without your embrace.

I want to see your face,

I got some things to say.

Was just a week ago,

You said, "I love you girl."

I said, "I love you more."

Then a breath, a pause, you said,

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

If you say so.

Everyone was in tears even you by the end of the song. "Come here" Hiro put his arms out and you hugged him crying more. Who cares it was a funeral that kiss doesn't matter right now. After the funeral you didn't care to stick around you snuck into Tadashi's dweebs only area as you called it. He never mind that. You took a few of his favorite tools and went to leave until you seen a paper stuck in the picture of you and Tadashi.

Dear ((Y/N)),

Nice song at that funeral. Who am I? I'm your mother.

"What?" You whispered to yourself.

I didn't abandoned you sweetie I we'll I lost you. I was ambushed by some....people. Your of age now and I'd like you to come back to me and be my daughter once more. Tadashi was a close friend of mine he was your brothers bud in highschool.

"I ain't got no brother!" You said a little loud.

If you can forgive me and trust me my number is 623-noneof-yourbusiness

Love, Mom

"((Y/N))"? GoGo asked and you hid the note. "GoGo!" You turned around and grabbed the picture before running out. "My mother wants me.....?" You whispered to yourself in your room that night.

Nerd Squad Romance ((Hiro x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now