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Natsu's POV

I texted Luce that I have somewhere to be. Today is the day that I transform into a lion. I don't want her to know because I love her and I don't want her to be scared of me. So I have to keep it a secret. I go to this steel shed. I have to stay here for the transformation. I have raw food and lots of water in there. it's because whenever I transform anything cooked tastes disgusting, it's like I need blood to make it more flavourful. I'm really worried about Luce because I don't know if someone will bother her or not, and I won't be there to help her like I promised, and she is one person I don't wanna break my promises to. But I don't know how much longer I can keep this secret. It's  very hard time hide something from the person you love. I got into my car with my change of clothes for when I break out of my clothes that I have now tonight. My start gums hurting and bleeding as I feel my teeth growing sharper. I need to hurry up or else I won't be able to stop myself from killing random people on the street. I put whatever I need in the car and I get into it and drive. It's really far away from the town so no one gets hurt that way. I arrived at the she'd after a couple of hours. I put my clothes on a shelf. My nails grow sharper as my transformation continues. I have to chain myself up to the wall while I transform. I do so and just wait as the full moon rises to its highest peek.


Lucy's POV

I type rapidly on my computer. I hope I can get this in on time or my boss would hate me even more. Maybe she boss wouldn't hate me so much if I hadn't stolen the man of her dreams from under her. I check my watch. It's 11:59. I finished typing the last few words and sent it. And just 5 seconds later the clock strikes 12. " Dammit! " Lisanna says and bangs on her desk. I can here it from here. I lean back in my chair, because I'm more relaxed now. " Phew! That was a close one. I probably would've had it done much earlier if it wasn't for Natsu... " I trail off quietly. I clasped my hands and pushed the palms forward to stretch. Then I swiveled around in my desk chair. I'm just taking in the room. It's so freaking boring here. Then I catch a glimpse of myself in the mirror of my coworker and sees that my eyes are the same as they always are on one particular day. I look at the date. October 30th. Maybe it's just the fact that I've been so busy that I forgot but today is the day that I transform into a fox for some reason. I don't know why but all I just keep is that it always happens in this day for some reason. I look at the clock. It's no where near the end of my shift. Looks like I'll have to fake being sick. " Ahem... " I cleared my throat. This is definitely gonna hurt a lot. I punched myself in the area where my lungs are. I start breathing heavily and I cough up some blood. People gasp at me and try to help. " I-i just need to go home " I stutter. This shit really hurts. " I should take you to the hospital " One offered but I shake my head. " I'll be fine if I get some rest " I said and I go to my car and drive home. I locked myself in the basement so I don't hurt anyone.


Gajeel POV

Today is the worst day of my life. I have time transform into some stupid wolf completely. Whenever that happens it feels like all my bones are breaking over and over again. I usually head out to the woods. No one knows about this happening to me and I'd like to keep it that way, I don't need everyone thinking I'm some type of freak. Most people I see are already scared of me since I am very intimidating cause of all my peircings. I have to eat raw food because whenever it's cooked it tastes disgusting and makes me vomit. The blood makes it taste much better for some reason. I'm the only one in the world who goes through this struggle, no one else would understand. And even if they did know the truth they would probably be even more scared and kill me or take me to area 51 and do all sorts of experiments on me to see why this happens. Now that I think about it, I wouldn't actually mind knowing the truth about why this is happening to me. But I would probably be killed or kept in a cage after they find out. It'll be for 'the safety of the people' or some dumb crap like that and to be honest, that's a real hassle that I am definitely not hoping for. I get my clothes for after because I'm sure that the ones I'm wearing will rip up from my wolf transformation tonight. I have to have an extra pair of clothes for the next morning. I get my stuff in my car and then drive out to the woods where it's safer for me to be.


Levy's POV

Books... Check.

Clothes... Check.

Raw meat... Check

Great I've got everything. I guess I should explain. Every October 30th, I transform into a leapord. And of course none of my friends know about this because it would be too dangerous for me and them. They also might expose me to the police and they'll do bad things to me like abuse and maybe even kill me too. I can't bate for that to happen because I might get angry and when I get angry I hurt people. I get my stuff and go into my bunker.

Hey I don't feel like making more Senario's right now. But it's basically all the same thing and most of them stay in their houses and stuff.

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