The Hero's Apprentice

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Alex ran like a bat out of hell tripping every now and then over her own feet

'Why do these pro hero's insist on scheduling training at 3 am'

Alex thought as she rushed in to Aizawa's training facility the bright white lights blinding her as she entered.

"25 minutes late again Alexis"

Aizawa said as he continued combat training with some guy

"Sir I know it's just that-"

"No.....Just get ready for training we'll talk about this later"

Aizawa said brushing her off to continue training with the other student. Alex bowed her head and rushed off to get changed.

*After Training*

Alex sat down on the training mat across from Aizawa as they both finished their session.

"You know Alexis I can't keep being lenient with you...... It isn't fair to me to prolong finding a reliable sidekick just because you want the spot how can I trust you if you can't even be on time for basic training"

He explained taking a swig from his water bottle

"Aizawa please this was the last time I swear I'm serious about fighting by your side you've seen what I can do you know I'm capable please"

Alexis begged. Aizawa sighed and shook his head

"This is your last chance kid and I mean it you may be gifted with your quirk but don't be fooled there are others who will give you a run for your money"

Aizawa explained standing up and dusting himself off

"Like who?"

Alexis poked wanting to know whose treading in on her turf


Aizawa said pointing behind Alexis to reveal a purple hair young man

"Hitoshi Shinsou"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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