Not a Teenage Post

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This is a list of things that really annoy me, some pet peeves and a bunch of other things I've had on my mind lately.

-Those Youtube ads you can't skip.

-When a book's ending is so dissapointing :(

-When all the cute boys are book characters, TV characters, movie characters, and a bunch of other not-possible-or-real characters.

-When your fridge is full, but you don't know what to eat.

-When girls wear their Uggs in muddy/rain/snowy/nasty weather

-When teachers assign a long-ass homework assignment and go, "Let's say you'll have it done by, um, Friday?" And it's like Wednesday.

-When it's like -2 degrees out and girls are still in crop tops.

-Painting your dominant hand's nails. So done.

-When you want to sing along to a song you know but keep messing up and some people start thinking you're not a "real fan" or whatever.

-How some girls can perfectly shave/wax their legs but I have to hide my legs because I always end up with those little black dots of hairs. Like wutt??

-How not having your eyebrows instantly docks like three points off your hotness. I'm not even cute to begin with, and my eyebrows are a mess so life is hard. LOL such First World Problems.

-When your favorite bra is dirty.

-How much hair is so gorgeous right before I'm about to wash it. And it only looks good when I have nowhere to go.

-Boys who sag their pants so low, they probably shouldn't wear pants anymore.

-When someone steps on your new shoes.

-Slow walkers in the hall.

-Seeing cute couples doing cute things while I'm already feeling so alone.

-That akward moment when you like a guy and you tell your "friend" and they tell him and he admits that he doesn't feel the same way about you.

-Last period of the day, when you feel all sweaty and gross.

-Just not getting anything your teacher teaches and feeling forever stupid....

-When fake friends rub their grades in your nose. Especially when they know you only have like two points less or something.

-Wearing a beanie because you think you'll look like all those Tumblr girls, but realizing you look like a man. A really ugly man.

-Trying to make short hair look good.

-When your figure is on point but you have a roll of fat around your stomach that is so damn persistant.

-When you're trying to diet, but Nutella gives you those puppy-dog eyes.

Haha, that's all I want to complain about today. 

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