Episode 12:Awakening

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~Ali tersedar dari pengsannya tadi~

~terlihat Alicia tidur di sebelahnya~

Ali:Weird but okay...(kayo)

Dr.Nestor:Oh.. you're awake

Ali:Uhh..how long was I unconscious?

Dr.Nestor:About 1 day or so...

~Tersedak Air yang diminumnya~

Ali:😖 For real tho..why

~Alicia terjaga dar tidurnya~

Alicia:Uagh..🥱 Kau dah bangun Ali?

Ali:Eh adik salah orang ni..(melembutkan suaranya seolah-olah perempuan)

Alicia:*mengosok matanya* ye ke...

Ali: Kon'nichiwa 🤗 *membuat muka comel*

Alicia:Kau ni kan...*Memukul bahu Ali dengan manja*

Ali:Hehehehe asal kau dekat sini?🤨


Ali:Tak pe lah...aku tengah lapar ni

Alicia:Lapar je la kau..😒

Ali:Bukan bishe2

Dr.Nestor:Well if you excuse me Alicia may I conduct some test to Ali?

Alicia:Sure no probs Doc..

Dr.Nestor:Thank you for your cooperation..Ali you can follow me to
my office

Ali:Ah..okay doc

-Di Office Dr.Nestor-
Dr.Nestor:Okay then I assume that she likes you...

Ali:W-wait what? she hates me..

Dr.Nestor:You want me to do a test run on her?

Ali:After this..yeah of course

Dr.Nestor:The question that I will be given are mostly she's going to
answer it "yes"

Ali:If there is a single "No" that I hear from her..that proves you conclusion
is wrong..

Dr.Nestor:I'm a therapist I know better than you!😏

Ali:If you say so...

~several test later~

Dr.Nestor:Uhhh there seems to be a problem...

Ali: Pardon?

Dr.Nestor:You're wound..i-is healed?

Ali:Tak kan takde parut...

Dr.Nestor:Nope not a single scar


~4 hari kemudian~


No contex...Hope you enjoy this episode terima kasih sebab still dengan saya and support saya..k byeeeeee~👋🏻👋🏻

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