Chapter 1: Future and Kindness

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Okay, you know the drill:
(Y/N) = Your name.
(L/N) = Last name.
(E/C) = Eye colour.

I'm sure you know the rest. Enjoy!

BTW, for the first part, you're 27 years old. You're an Agent.

"Sir, Agent (L/N) is here!" A young scientist calls out to a man much older than anyone in the Laboratory.
"Ah, perfect timing. I'm confident that you know your mission?" The old man says bluntly, not taking any of your nervous behaviour into consideration.
"Yes, sir!" You reply, trying to sound confident.

In all honesty, I'm scared... I leave behind all my friends and family and I will never see them again... All to pursue the truth of history and discover what REALLY happened and not the corrupted version that History teachers are instructed to preach to students. No! I must stay strong and learn the truth!

"So, where are you to leave your notes?" He tests your memory.
"I am to send them to the Oxford University archives and explain that my work is for the future scientists and Historians to give them the correct version of history regarding the American Revolution against the British, sir!" You repeat your mission objective,awakening a determined spirit within yourself and you're confident enough to go through with the mission.
"Who are you to assist?" He shoots another question at you.
"Connor Kenway. I am also to make sure that I act like I do not know him to make him bond to me so as to achieve my mission of witnessing history firsthand." You state clearly, earning you a satisfied nod from the old man.
"Very good, Agent (L/N). Okay, I am confident in your capabilities. You may proceed." He smiles with an impressed expression and steps aside, allowing you to walk into the Time Travelling Chamber.
"Kiddo, remember this: you can allow your heart to wonder, but take your bloody brain along for the ride too, okay?" He whispers with a light chuckle. The old man is your favourite Great Uncle and he knew that you always made the right decision, no matter how cruel, but allow your heart to prove that there is still humanity in you.
"I shall follow only the path that my mind AND heart agree with, Uncle Russell." You smile with a curt nod.
"Very good," he nods with approval "To your stations, everyone!" His smile fades and he proceeds to bark orders at all the scientists in his loud, booming voice.
You enter the Chamber and hear machines whirring and electricity crackling before everything is enveloped in a piercing white light and suddenly, as quick as a switch, everything goes pitch black.
As you finally gain consciousness, you don't feel or hear the cold sensations and technological noises of the Lab, but rather, gentle chirping of birds and the warm sun on your back. Your heavy (E/C) eyes slowly part and all you can see is blades of grass in a beautiful, thick forest. That's when it dawns on you: you're in the forest behind the Davenport Homestead. The Lab had sent to you a package with the clothes worn in that time and so, you removed your advanced tech suit and began to put your disguise on. After fully checking your clothes, you realize that your breasts are smaller. You look into the reflective surface of your tech suit and realize that you had been transformed into your body from when you were 17 years old.
"Oh shit!!!" You yelped as you dropped your suit in horror. "Oh man! This is totally not fair!!!" You groan. You hated your 17 year old body because that was when you were skinny and you had spent 10 years of working out and doing special diets to make your body more sexy and curvy.

Great! Now I'm gonna have to train ALL OVER AGAIN!!! Life really isn't fair... Oh well, better get into character! Connor arrives in two weeks and I need to win Achilles' approval to better assist Conner!

You walk up to the Homestead and knock on the door. Lo and behold, Achilles Davenport opens the door with an irritated expression, clearly not happy to be disturbed.
"Child, if you have come here in the hopes of making me purchase whatever useless contraption or product you are attempting to sell, then save your breath because you shall only find great disappointment. Good day to you." He stated bluntly with a raspy voice.
"Oh, sir, I assure you! I'm not here to sell you anything." You rubbed your wrist nervously, feeling slightly intimidated by his dominant aura.
"State your business then leave." He replied coldly.

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