Chapter 2: School

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Detective's Office, 10 Months before School

You followed the detective into his office, to help out with the paperwork. What happened between you and the other two individuals was put to the back of your mind. This wasn't your first rodeo with evil in the state of Texas. You were just curious to see what the detective had to offer for your help.

You sat down in the chair in front of his desk, the detective took his seat and stretched when he sat down.

"Appreciate the help Y/n, this is becoming a regular thing" he thanked you.

"Its just another thing now, with the world changing and such since "quirks" were first found out." You reply. "Like I said, you can repay me with money"

The detective shook his head. "You know that isnt possible, but I do have something else in mind." He replied to you. He then turned around and started to look for something.

"I'm only kidding when I saw I need money, well sort of. You don't need to repay me in any way" you joked with the detective.

"I think you're going to like this, trust me" the detective started to talk. "Where did I put it...... ah here it is" he pulled a picture frame out. "You know what this is?" He pointed at while showing you.

You studied the document, first thing you noticed was the Detective's name written in large bold letters.

Elijah M. Jones

You continued to look up the piece of paper. Your eyes went wide when you spotted something.

UA High

This is to certify that Elijah M. Jones has successfully graduated from UA High and is....

"You went to UA?" You asked in disbelief because there was no need to read on.

"That's right. Graduated a few years before All Might went there" Detective Jones replied with a smile.

"But what does that have to do with me?" You kinda had an idea where this is  going.

"Well, since you've helped us out many times before, whether you wanted to or not, I figure I should let you try to get a chance to become a hero yourself! I can give a letter of recommendation and we can go on from there."

"Wait, wait wait" you put your hand on your head. "This is great and all, but I'm no hero. I'm more of the bounty hunter type. And firstly, how the hell did you go there when you're in Texas?"

"Foreign Exchange Program, I was selected at the time" Jones replied. "I know it is a lot to take in and I can agree you aren't the hero type, but with this, I can help you out after you graduate. Getting a diploma from UA can allow me to hire you quicker for your own position here, or perhaps you can do the bounty hunter, but just not any killing unless necessary"

You blinked in disbelief still, unable to comprehend everything.

"I would have to move and everything, what about Ma? The Farm? I dont know what to think Detective" you reply not looking him in the eye.

The Cowboy: My Hero Academia x Male Reader Erron BlackWhere stories live. Discover now